Table of Contents:
  • SCIENCE AND SOCIETY ISSUES: The role of communications and scientific thinking / Barbara Schaal
  • Knowledge, validation, and transfer: science, communication, and economic development / John Enderby
  • The morality of exact sciences / Yousef Sobouti
  • Science and society issues: summary of discussion / Norman Neureiter
  • THE ROLE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IN DEVELOPMENT: Women in academic science and engineering in the United States: challenges and opportunities / Geraldine Richmond
  • Trends in basic sciences in contemporary Iran: growth and structure of mainstream basic sciences / Shapour Etemad and Yousef Sobouti
  • The role of science and engineering in development: summary of discussion / Michael Fischer
  • OBSTACLES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE APPLICATION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TO DEVELOPMENT: Technology for health: are there any limits? economic, ethical, and overall societal implications / Kenneth Shine
  • Addressing water security: the role of science and technology / Henry Vaux
  • Obstacles and opportunities in the application of science and technology to development: summary of discussion / Geraldine Richmond
  • SCIENTIFIC THINKING OF DECISION MAKERS: How to promote scientific thinking amongst decision makers / Alimohammad Kardan
  • MANAGEMENT AND UTILIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE: The Role of international scientific and technical cooperation in national economic development / Norman Neureiter
  • The role of chemistry and biology in the future development of Iran / Mojtaba Shamsipur
  • Management and utilization of scientific knowledge: summary of discussion / Henry Vaux
  • SCIENCE, SOCIETY, AND EDUCATION: About the relation of school teachers with science / Yves Quéré
  • Promotion of health education in primary schools / Béatrice Descamps-Latscha
  • Science, society, and education: summary of discussion / Barbara Schaal and Henry Vaux
  • Appendix A: Workshop agenda
  • Appendix B: Workshop participants
  • Appendix C: Science, technology, and society
  • the tightening circle / George Bugliarello
  • Appendix D: Current issues on the utilization of scientific findings / Hassan Zohoor
  • Appendix E: Ethics in engineering as a prerequisite for technological development of societies / Mehdi Bahadori and Mahmood Yaghoubi
  • Appendix F: Science and society / Reza Davari Ardakani.