Table of Contents:
  • Cover
  • Front Matter
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Contents
  • Tables, Figures, and Boxes
  • Executive Summary
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Defining the Contents of the Data Set: The National Health Care Quality Framework
  • 3 Selecting Measures for the National Health Care Quality Data Set
  • 4 Data Sources for the National Health Care Quality Report
  • 5 Designing the National Health Care Quality Report
  • APPENDIX A Workshop: Envisioning a National Quality Report on Health Care
  • ""APPENDIX B Designing a Comprehensive National Report on Effectiveness of Care: Measurement, Data Collection, and Reporting Strategies""""APPENDIX C Submissions in Response to the IOM Committeeâ€?s Call for Measures from the Private Sector""; ""APPENDIX D Selected Approaches to Thinking About Quality and the National Health Care Quality Report""; ""APPENDIX E Quality Measure Selection Criteria""; ""Glossary""; ""Acronyms and Abbreviations""; ""Biographical Sketches of Committee Members""