Table of Contents:
  • Global restructuring and emerging urban corridors in Pacific Asia / Yue-man Yeung and Fu-chen Lo
  • International transport and communications interactions between Pacific Asia's emerging world cities / Peter J. Rimmer
  • The Japanese urban system and the growing centrality of Tokyo in the global economy / Junjiro Takahashi and Noriyuki Sugiura
  • Seoul : a global city in a nation of rapid growth / Sung Woong Hong
  • Globalization and the urban system in Taiwan / H.H. Tsai
  • Globalization and the urban system in China / Anthony Gar-on Yeh and Xueqiang Xu
  • Global influences on recent urbanization trends in the Philippines / Orville Solon
  • The changing urban system in a fast-growing city and economy : the case of Bangkok and Thailand / Medhi Krongkaew
  • Emerging urban trends and the globalizing economy in Malaysia / Lee Boon Thong
  • Jabotabek and globalization / Budhy Tjahjati S. Soegijoko
  • The Singapore-Johore-Riau growth triangle : an emerging extended metropolitan region / Scott Macleod and T.G. McGee
  • The Hong Kong-Zhujiang Delta and the world city system / David K.Y. Chu
  • The evolving urban system in North-East Asia / Sang-Chuel Choe.