Table of Contents:
  • Configurations of settlement ; Catalog of surveyed sites / Robert McC. Adams
  • The Uruk world system:the dynamics of expansion of early Mesopotamian civilization ; The prehistory of imperialism, the case of Uruk period Mesopotamia / Guillermo Algaze
  • Index of loci and finds / Abbas Alizadeh
  • A view of the plains from the mountains, comments on Uruk by an Andeanist / Terence N. D'Altroy
  • Chogha Mish / Pinhas Delougaz and Helene J. Kantor ; edited by Abbas Alizadeh
  • A Carbon 14 determination pertaining to some plant identifications from Chogha Mish / Pinhas Delougaz
  • Jebel Aruda / G. van Driel and C. van Driel-Murray
  • The Uruk settlement on Jebel Aruda, a preliminary report / G. van Driel
  • Centralization processes in greater Mesopotamia, Uruk 'expansion' as the climax of systematic interactions among areas of the greater Mesopotamian region / Marcella Frangipane
  • Local exchange and early state development in southwestern Iran / Gregory Alan Johnson
  • Mesopotamian architecture and town planning, from the Mesolithic to the end of the Proto-historic period, c. 10,000-3,500 B.C. / Shamil A.A. Kubba
  • Excavations at Brak and Chagar Bazar / Max Mallowan
  • Test results of five bitumen samples from Chogha Mish / Robert F. Marschner
  • Analysis of archaeological surface collections ; Cultural and political networks in the ancient Near East during the fourth and third millennia B.C. / Hans J. Nissen
  • An open gate, cities of the fourth millennium BC (Tell Brak 1997) / David Oates and Joan Oates
  • Trade and power in the fifth and fourth millennia B.C., new evidence from northern Mesopotamia / Joan Oates
  • Artificial cranial deformation of a human skull from Chogha Mish / Donald J. Ortner
  • Mesopotamian intraregional relations reflected through glyphic evidence in the Late Chalcolithic 1-5 periods / Holly Pittman
  • The Uruk period in southern Mesopotamia / Susan Pollock
  • References ; The local and the regional, an introduction ; The Tigris piedmont, eastern Jazira, and the highland western Iran in the fourth millennium B.C. / Mitchell S. Rothman
  • Tradition summary, Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamia / Mitchell S. Rothman and John Beierle
  • Syria and the Uruk expansion / Glenn M. Schwartz
  • Indigenous social complexity at Hacınebi (Turkey) and the organization of Uruk colonial contact / Gil J. Stein
  • Early agriculture at Chogha Mish / Anne I. Woosley
  • Cultural action in the Uruk world / Henry T. Wright
  • Calibrated radiocarbon age determinations of Uruk-related assemblages / Henry T. Wright and E.S.A. Rupley.