Government, politics, and protest : essential primary sources /

A collection of primary source documents that focus on leading social issues of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. International in scope, each title is devoted to one topic.

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author: Thomson Gale (Firm)
Other Authors: Lerner, K. Lee, Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth, Lerner, Adrienne Wilmoth
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: Detroit, Mich. : Thomson Gale, 2006.
Series:Social issues primary sources collection.
Online Access:CONNECT
Table of Contents:
  • Advisors and contributors
  • Acknowledgements
  • About the set
  • Introduction
  • About the entry
  • Using primary sources
  • Chronology
  • Protesters and protest rights
  • Civil and human rights
  • War and peace
  • Civil liberties and social issues
  • Politics, policy, and political dissent
  • Labor, trade, and globalization
  • Sovereignty
  • Health, environment, and animal rights
  • Sources consulted
  • Index.
  • Advisors and Contributors
  • Acknowledgements
  • About the Set
  • Introduction
  • About the Entry
  • Using Primary Sources
  • Chronology
  • Protesters and Protest Rights
  • Introduction to Protesters and Protest Rights
  • U.S. Constitution, Amendment I
  • Civil Disobedience
  • Direct Action
  • Buddhist Monk Sets Himself on Fire
  • Burning the American Flag in Protest
  • Vice President Spiro T. Agnew's Claims Television News Is Biased
  • Jimi Hendrix Playing at Woodstock
  • Two Judges Decline Drug Cases, Protesting Sentencing Rules
  • Your Rights to Demonstrate and Protest
  • Pie in the Eye
  • What Makes an Activist
  • Bush Zones Go National
  • Civil and Human Rights
  • Introduction to Civil and Human Rights
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin
  • The Jim Crow Car
  • The Suffragette Dilemma in World War One
  • Suffragette Lady Constance Lytton Goes on Hunger Strike
  • Highlights from the First Session of the League of Nations
  • Letters from Halle-Salle Prison
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • Mob Rule Cannot Be Allowed to Override the Decisions of Our Courts
  • Negroes Plan Protest
  • Civil Rights Workers Sing "We Shall Overcome"
  • Letter From a Birmingham Jail
  • The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
  • March from Selma
  • We Shall Overcome
  • Have Sanitation Workers a Future
  • Tennessee Halted in School Inquiry
  • Olympic Athletes on Podium
  • Godfather Wins Oscar as Best Film
  • Britain's 1981 Urban Riots
  • Afghan Women Tear off Burqas
  • Boycott Beijing 2008
  • Los Angeles 1992 Riots
  • Marching with a Message
  • Relatives of the "Disappeared" Protest
  • Two Prosecutors at Guantanamo Quit in Protest
  • War and Peace
  • Introduction to War and Peace
  • Women Carrying Peace Banner
  • No-Conscription League Manifesto
  • The Bonus Army
  • Norwegian Anti-Nazi Protest
  • The Atlantic Charter
  • Promoting the Maintenance of International Peace and Security in Southeast Asia
  • Counterprotesters Heckle Anti-War Demonstrators
  • Fortunate Son
  • Draft Card Burning Protest
  • The Great Silent Majority
  • Kent State Shootings
  • Proclamation 4483
  • NATO London Declaration
  • Major Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended
  • No Military Recruiters in Public Schools, Scholarships for Education and Job Training
  • Praise Mingles with Anger as Hundreds Turn Out for Rally to Support Troops
  • Cindy Sheehan Leads Protest Against the Iraq War
  • Civil Liberties and Social Issues
  • Introduction to Civil Liberties and Social Issues
  • Sedition Act of 1798
  • Temperance Protest
  • Sedition Act of 1918
  • Anti-Prohibition Protest
  • A Declaration of Conscience
  • Telegram from Joseph McCarthy to President Harry S. Truman
  • Homeless Child on a Protest March
  • Sorbonne Revolt
  • No More Miss America
  • Harvard and Beyond: The University Under Siege
  • New York Penal Laws 125.00-125.6
  • Coat Hangers Used in Abortion Protest
  • Gallaudet Protesters Claim Victory
  • Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994
  • The Sit-In Begins
  • USA PATRIOT Act, Section 215
  • USA PATRIOT Act sec. 213
  • Resolution to Protest the Eroding of Civil Liberties under the USA PATRIOT Act (Public Law 107-56) and Related Federal Orders Since 9/11/01
  • Presbyterian Founder of Gray Panthers Documented in "Maggie Growls"
  • Protesting U.S.-Mexico Border Policy
  • Pentagon Will Review Database on U.S. Citizens
  • Activists, Opponents Clash at Immigration Rally
  • Santa Cruz Journal: A Protest, a Spy Program, and a Campus in an Uproar
  • Finding a Place for 9/11 in American History
  • Nepal Blocks Protest Rally with Arrests and Curfew
  • Moslems Protest Danish Cartoons
  • Politics, Policy, and Political Dissent
  • Introduction to Politics, Policy, and Political Dissent
  • The Sugar Act of 1764
  • A Chartist Appeal to Lay Down Arms
  • Haymarket Riots
  • Winston Churchill on Liberalism and Socialism
  • One Aspect of Bolshevist Liberty
  • Lenine: The Man and His Beliefs
  • Hitler's Propaganda Machine
  • First Inaugural Address of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • A Statement by Frank E. Gannett, Publisher, Gannett Newspapers
  • American Indian Movement Siege of Wounded Knee
  • Iranian People Vote for an Islamic Republic
  • Nation Building and Singapore's People's Association
  • The Party That Isn't
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall
  • Tiananmen Square Protests of June 1989
  • An Urgent Appeal From Our Anguished Hearts
  • Anti-Soviet President Gorbachev Caricatured Protest Sign During Soviet Armed Crackdown on Independence-Bent Baltic SSR
  • Britain's Labour Party Debate
  • Greenpeace Activists Protest GOP Policy Agenda
  • Berlin Police Use Tear Gas to Quell Anti-Nazi Protest
  • Expatriates Urge Fellow Iranians to Boycott Presidential Election
  • Labor, Trade, and Globalization
  • Introduction to Labor, Trade, and Globalization
  • Great Free Trade Demonstration at Liverpool
  • Decrees of the Provisional Government Relating to the Workingmen
  • Which Side Are You On
  • Single Women of Boston Picket Relief Headquarters
  • Deportee
  • Rip in the Silk Industry
  • Address by César Chávez, President United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO
  • Casey Jones-The Union Scab
  • Grand Jury Indictment of the Chicago Seven
  • Bill Gates Hit with Pie
  • Anti-WTO Protests Escalate
  • May Day in the Soviet Union
  • Solidarity's Message
  • Globalization and the Maquiladoras
  • What Charles and Evan Did for Spring Break
  • On the Air Traffic Controllers Strike
  • Protesters Smash the Window of a McDonald's
  • Anti-FTAA Protestors Clash with Police
  • Globalization: Environmental and Health Practices of American Companies Abroad
  • Indonesian Village Chiefs Protest Pulp Mill
  • Communities Oppose Wal-Mart
  • Sovereignty
  • Introduction to Sovereignty
  • The Boston Tea Party
  • Petition Against the Annexation of Hawaii
  • Dandi March
  • The Zionist People's Council Proclaim the Establishment of the State of Israel
  • State Department Telegram to Diplomats and Consulates Regarding the Recognition of Israel
  • Prague Spring
  • IRA Hunger Strikes
  • Jewish Settlers Protest Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza
  • Health, Environment, and Animal Rights
  • Introduction to Health, Environment, and Animal Rights
  • The First Earth Day
  • Animal Rights Raiders Destroy Years of Work
  • AIDS Die-in Protest
  • Greenpeace Protests French Nuclear Tests in the Mururoa Atoll
  • Kyoto Protocol
  • A Bitter Pill For the World's Poor
  • PETA's "We'd Rather Go Naked" Campaign
  • The AIDS-Drug Warrior
  • Commission Recommendations on Coexistence of Genetically Modified Crops with Conventional and Organic Farming
  • Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich
  • Neighbors of Burned Homes Pained by Suburban Sprawl
  • World AIDS Day: Human Rights Watch Calls for Increased Support
  • Sources Consulted
  • Index.