Table of Contents:
  • Introduction : Ares, Virginia, and the myth of the water's edge
  • Trapped between Scylla and Charybdis : JFK, the GOP, and domestic politics
  • The Cassandra conundrum : GOP opposition to LBJ's Vietnam policy, 1963-1965
  • Opening Pandora's box : escalation and domestic politics, 1965-1966
  • Confronting the hydra : LBJ on the defensive, 1966-1967
  • Sisyphus and Tantalus : the political impact of the war, 1967-1968
  • The Zalmoxis effect : Vietnam and the 1968 presidential election
  • The Icarus agenda : Vietnamization and its political implications
  • Whither Ariadne? Domestic politics and Nixon's search for peace
  • Conclusion: sowing dragon's teeth
  • Appendix: Republicans, 1961-1973.