Table of Contents:
  • Introduction
  • Under western skies
  • Baking bread and writing in Los Angeles
  • Playing the studio game and organizing guilds
  • Marriage and Johnny got his gun
  • From B films to A films
  • Money, politics, and war
  • Into the Communist Party
  • Trumbo's antifascist persuasion
  • The 1947 hearings of the Committee on Un-American Activities
  • Blacklisted, indicted, convicted
  • The time of the toad
  • Incarceration and drift
  • Oh, oh, Mexico
  • Negotiating the black market, working with the King Brothers
  • Once more into the Communist Party
  • Blacklist and black-market politics
  • Using and revealing Robert Rich
  • Spartacus
  • Exodus and the credit announcements
  • Back on the screen
  • Hawaii and The sandpiper
  • The fixer and the Laurel Award
  • Johnny got his gun, the movie: preproduction
  • Johnny got his gun, the movie: principal photography and editing
  • Johnny got his gun, the movie: distribution and exhibition
  • The final years
  • Postmortem.