Table of Contents:
  • Pt. I. The analysis of the enemy. Anti-semitism : spearhead of universal terror / Franz Neumann
  • Possible political changes in Nazi Germany in the near future / Herbert Marcuse
  • Changes in the Reich government / Herbert Marcuse
  • Speer's appointment as dictator of the German economy / Franz Neumann and Paul Sweezy
  • The significance of Prussian militarism for Nazi imperialism : potential tensions in United Nations psychological warfare / Herbert Marcuse and Felix Gilbert
  • German social stratification / Herbert Marcuse
  • pt. II. Patterns of collapse. German morale after Tunisia / Franz Neumann
  • Morale in Germany / Herbert Marcuse (assisted by Franz Neumann and Hans Meyerhoff)
  • Possible patterns of German collapse / Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Felix Gilbert
  • The social and political effects of air raids on the German people : a preliminary survey / Franz Neumann
  • The attempt on Hitler's life and its consequences / Franz Neumann
  • pt. III. Political opposition. The Free Germany manifesto and the German people / Franz Neumann
  • The German Communist Party / Herbert Marcuse
  • The Social Democratic Party of Germany / Herbert Marcuse
  • pt. IV. Denazification and military government. The abrogation of Nazi laws in the early period of MG / Otto Kirchheimer
  • Dissolution of the Nazi Party and its affiliated organizations / Herbert Marcuse
  • German cartels and cartel-like organizations / Franz Neumann
  • Policy toward revival of old parties and establishment of new parties in Germany / Herbert Marcuse
  • General principles of administration and civil service in Germany / Otto Kirchheimer
  • Administration of German criminal justice under military government / Otto Kirchheimer
  • The problem of inflation in Germany / Franz Neumann
  • pt. V. A new Germany in a new Europe. The adaptation of centralized European controls of raw materials, industry, and transport / Franz Neumann and Paul Sweezy
  • The revival of German political and constitutional life under military government / Franz Neumann
  • The treatment of Germany / Franz Neumann
  • pt. VI. Toward Nuremberg. The "statement on atrocities" of the Moscow tripartite conference / Otto Kirchheimer and John Herz
  • Problems concerning the treatment of war criminals / Franz Neumann
  • Leadership principle and criminal responsibility / Otto Kirchheimer and John Herz
  • Nazi plans for dominating Germany and Europe : the Nazi master plan / Herbert Marcuse
  • Nazi plans for dominating Germany and Europe : domestic crimes / Otto Kirchheimer
  • pt. VII. A new enemy. Status and prospects of German trade-unions and works councils / Herbert Marcuse
  • The potentials of world communism / Herbert Marcuse.