Table of Contents:
  • Literary and linguistic analysis of folklore genres: Utley, F. L. Oral genres as a bridge to written literature. Lüthi, M. Aspects of the Märchen and the legend. Bynum, D. E. The generic nature of oral epic poetry. Oster, H. The blues as a genre. Scott, C. T. On defining the riddle
  • The ethnography of folklore genres: Dégh, L. and Vázsonyi, A. Legend and belief. Seitel, P. Proverbs; a social use of metaphor. Toelken, B. The "pretty languages" of Yellowman; genre, mode, and texture in Navaho Coyote narratives. Hrdličková, V. Japanese professional storytellers
  • The classification of folklore genres: Abrahams, R. D. The complex relations of simple forms. Ben-Amos, D. Analytical categories and ethnic genres
  • A selected bibliography: (p. )