Table of Contents:
  • Pattern- and growth-linked cell cycles in Drosophila development / Bruce A. Edgar, Jessica Britton, Aida Flor A. de la Cruz, Laura A. Johnston, Dara Lehman, Cristina Martin-Castellanos and David Prober
  • Imprinted genes and the coordination of fetal and postnatal growth in mammals / Wolf Reik, Karen Davies, Wendy Dean, Gavin Kelsey and Miguel Constância
  • Regulation of the embryonic cell proliferation by Drosophila cyclin D and cyclin E complexes / Christian F. Lehner, Henning W. Jacobs, K. Sauer and Claas A. Meyer
  • Cell cycle transitions in early Xenopus development / James L. Maller, Stephan D. Gross, Markus S. Schwab, Carla V. Finkielstein, Frédéric E. Taieb and Yue-Wei Qian
  • Cell cycle regulation in early mouse embryos / Jacek Z. Kubiak and Maria A. Ciemerych
  • Timing cell-cycle exit and differentiation in oligodendrocyte development / Martin Raff, Jim Apperly, Toru Kondo, Yasuhito Tokumoto and Dean Tang
  • Splitting the chromosome : cutting the ties that bind sister chromatids / Kim Nasmyth, Jan-Michael Peters and Frank Uhlmann
  • The cell cycle machinery and asymmetric cell division of neural progenitors in the Drosophila embryonic central nervous system / William Chia, Yu Cai, Xavier Morin, Murni Tio, Gerald Udolph, Fengwei Yu and Xiaohang Yang
  • Spindle positioning during the asymmetric first cell division of Caenorhabditis elegans embryos / Pierre Gönczy, Stephan Grill, Ernst H.K. Stelzer, Matthew Kirkham and Anthony A. Hyman
  • Growth factors controlling imaginal disc growth in Drosophila / Peter J. Bryant
  • The temporal control of cell cycle and cell fate in Caenorhabditis elegans / Victor Ambros
  • Responses to DNA damage in Xenopus : cell death or cell cycle arrest / Jessica Greenwood, Vincenzo Costanzo, Kirsten Robertson, Carmel Hensey and Jean Gautier
  • Control of cell fate in plant meristems / Martin Hobe, Ulrike Brand, Richard Waites and Rüdiger Simon.