Table of Contents:
  • Book I: Hester Street
  • I. Hester Street
  • II. The Speaking Mouth of the Block
  • III. The Burden Bearer
  • IV. The "Empty-head"
  • V. Morris Lipkin Writes Poetry
  • VI. The Burden Bearer Changes Her Burden
  • VII. Father Becomes a Business Man in America
  • VIII. The Hard Heart
  • IX. Bread Givers
  • Book II: Between Two Worlds
  • X. I Shut the Door
  • XI. A Piece of Meat
  • XII. My Sisters and I
  • XIII. Outcast
  • XIV. A Man Wanted Me
  • XV. On and On-Alone
  • XVI. College
  • Book III: The New World
  • XVII. My Honeymoon with Myself
  • XVIII. Death in Hester Street
  • XIX. Lodge Money
  • XX. Hugo Seelig
  • XXI. Man Born of Woman.