Call Number (LC) Title Results
BDSDS. 1784 Publick concert. : At Concert-Hall, on Wednesday next, the 7th instant, will be performed, a concert of instrumental musick, with a number of new songs. ... 1
BDSDS. 1785 Hertzliche Bitte an die Kinder, / 1
BDSDS. 1786 State of Connecticut, in America. To [blank] constable of [blank] and collector of the state tax for said town, for the year 17[blank] greeting. : Whereas the General Assembly of this state, in November 1780, and in May 1783, granted a rate or tax of six pence on the pound, to be paid the first day of December, annually; and by a resolve of the Assembly in October 1786, said six pence shall in future be payable on the first day of February, annually ... These are therefore by authority of the state of Connecticut to require and command you, to collect of the inhabitants of said town, six pence on the pound, amounting to the sum of [blank] ... And you must make up and settle your accounts with the treasurer of this state, by the first day of February next. ... 1
BDSDS. 1787 Mit Erlaubniss des Königlichen Collegii der Physici Edinburg, Doctor Andersons berühmte Schottische Pillen, : werden aufrichtig verfertiget von Patrick Mac Naughton, von Edinburg, gegenwärtig zu Dundarawa, an dem Zummenfluss der Susquehanna und der Juniata, in Pennsylvanien.
Serious thoughts on sudden death. : A poem, occasioned by the drowning of six men by the overseting [sic] of a boat in Lake Champlain, near Split Rock, about twenty miles below Crown-Point. There were eight persons in the boat when it overset, but two saved their lives by keeping to the boat.
A poem, descriptive of the terrible fire, which made such shocking devastation in Boston, on Friday evening, the twentieth of April, 1787, : in which were consumed one house of worship, of which the Reverend Ebenezer Wight was pastor, and upwards of one hundred dwelling-houses and other buildings.--The loss of property by this sorrowful disaster is supposed to amount to near seventy thousand pounds.-- /
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, March 10, 1787. : Ordered, that the governour's objections, made this day to the bill for establishing a salary of a fixed and permanent value for the governour ... be published ... Attest. Geo. R. Minot, clerk.
BDSDS. 1788 Funeral poem, : on the death of Thomas Witter, son of Samuel Witter, of Horton, in the province of Nova-Soctia; who died January the 20th 1784, aged two years, six months and ten days--was taken sick of a Friday, and died the Tuesday following, at 25 minutes after 10 o'clock at night.--It was supposed that his disorder was occasioned by [w]orms, which threw him into the most dreadful fits.
The last words & dying speeches of John Bly & Charles Rose; : who were executed at Lenox, in the county of Berkshire, and commonwealth of Massachusetts, on Thursday, the sixth day of December ... one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, for burglary. : To the good people of Massachusetts, more especially to Daniel Shays, and other officers of the militia, and the selectmen of towns who have been instrumental in raising the opposition to the government of this commonwealth ...
BDSDS. 1789 The following articles is just opened, and now selling by Nathaniel Patten, as cheap for cash, or grain in hand, as at any store in the thirteen United States. 1
BDSDS. 1790 By the President of the United States of America, a proclamation. : Whereas a treaty of peace and friendship between the United States and the Creek Nation, was made and concluded on the seventh day of the present month of August ... I have ordered the said treaty to be herewith published; and do hereby enjoin and require all officers of the United States, civil and military, and all other citizens and inhabitants thereof, faithfully to observe and fulfil the same. Given under my hand and the seal of the United States, in the city of New-York, the fourteenth day of August ... one thousand seven hundred and ninety ...
Congress of the United States: at the second session, begun and held at the city of New-York, on Monday the fourth of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. : An act to provide for mitigating or remitting the forfeitures and penalties, accruing under the revenue-laws, in certain cases therein mentioned.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Head-quarters, Boston, May [blank] 179[blank] : The governor and commander in chief, has accepted the resignation of [blank] of the [blank] in the [blank] brigade and [blank] division of the Militia of this commonwealth; and he is hereby honorable discharged ...
BDSDS. 1791 Scale of heat.
Proposa[ls] of Isaiah Thomas, of Worcester, for printing by subscription, in five large royal octavo volumes, page for page with the last British editions, and from the most correct English copies, A new abridgment of the law. By Matthew Bacon, Esq. ...
A census of the electors and inhabitants in the state of New-York, taken in the year 1790, in pursuance of a law of the said state.
Printing-Office, Market-Street, Portsmouth, August 1791. : The revised laws of the state of New-Hampshire, are now in the press, and will be published and ready for delivery in November next; by John Melcher.
Congress of the United States: At the third session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the sixth of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. : An act for the admission of the state of Vermont into this Union.
BDSDS. 1792 Second Congress of the United States: At the first session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia on Monday the twenty-fourth of October one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one. : An act for regulating processes in the courts of the United States, and providing compensations for the officers of the said courts, and for jurors and witnesses.
Second Congress of the United States: At the first session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the twenty-fourth of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one. : An act supplementary to the act for the establishment and support of light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers.
July 26, 1792. Proposals for printing by subscription, The annual register of the Baptist denomination in North-America, for November, 1791. /
BDSDS. 1793 Second Congress of the United States: At the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the fifth of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. : An act regulating foreign coins, and for other purposes.
New-Year's verses, addressed to the patrons of the Baltimore daily intelligencer, by their obedient servants, the news-carriers. : January 1, 1794.
Be in known, that [blank] of [blank] in the county of [blank] in the state of [blank] is the proprietor of share number [blank] in the Piscataqua Bridge, which share is transferable by making as assignment on the back of this certificate ... In testimony whereof, the seal of the corporation is hereunto affixed, the [blank] day of [blank] one thousand seven hundred and ninety [blank]
BDSDS. 1794 Sir, The following plan and conditions of the Philadelphia gazette, and universal daily advertiser, are laid before you, at the same time that the proprietor solicits your patronage. ...
Amendments proposed in the committee of the whole House, to the Bill to amend the act, intituled, "An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization."
A bill to amend and explain the twenty second section of the act establishing the judicial courts of the United States.
Third Congress of the United States: At the first session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the second of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three. : An act to provide for the defence of certain ports and harbors in the United States.
BDSDS. 1795 Third Congress of the United States: At the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. : An act relative to the compensations of certain officers employed in the collection of the duties of impost and tonnage.
Third Congress of the United States: At the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. : An act to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions; and to repeal the act now in force for those purposes.
New-York, Feb. 10, 1795. : Proposals for printing by subscription, a magazine, entitled, The United States Christian magazine.
Third Congress of the United States: At the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. : An act for reviving certain suits and process which have been discontinued in the district court of Pennsylvania.
Circular to collectors, naval officers, and surveyors of certain districts and ports. Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, May 18th, 1795. : Sir, I transmit herewith an act entitled "An act to alter and amend the act intutled An act laying certain duties upon snuff and refined sugar," accompanied with certain forms for carrying into execution that part of the act which relates to the granting of debentures for drawbacks to be allowed on the exportation of American manufactured snuff. ...
Third Congress of the United States: At the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. : An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization; and to repeal the act heretofore passed on that subject.
BDSDS. 1795 F Almanack for 1796. 1
BDSDS. 1796 Philadelphia, March 12, 1796. Buchan's celebrated family physician, adapted to the climate and diseases of the United States of America, by Isaac Cathrall, of Philadelphia. : Proposals, by Richard Folwell, for publishing by subscription, Domestic medicine; or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines ...
Extract from An act, for the relief and protection of American seamen.
Almanack for 1797.
BDSDS. 1797 The Golden balls.
(Circular.) Treasury Department, August 28th, 1797. : Sir, It is understood that applications have been made to some of the collectors, for their certificates to a species of documents stiled role de equipage, which are said to have been represented by the French consuls as necessary to the protection of American vessels. ...
The Holy war.
BDSDS. 1798 Die lezten [sic] Worte und sterbende Bekäntnus von dem verurtheilten Charles M'Manus, : mit einigen Anmerckungen an John Hauer, welche beyde hingerichtet worden sind den 14ten Julius 1798; wegen einer verübeten Mordthat begangen an Francis Schütz, niedergeschrieben und von seinem eigenen Bekäntnüss eine kurze Zeit vor seinem Tode verfasset, in Gegenwart des ehrwürdigen Heinrich Moeller.
Treasury Department. March 1, 1798. : Public notice is hereby given, in pursuance of the act of Congress, passed on the sixth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, entitled, "An act laying duties on stamped vellum, parchment and paper," and the act passed on the fifteenth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, entitled, "An act to postpone for a limited time the commencement of the duties imposed by the act entitled, "An act laying duties on stamped vellum, parchment and paper," that from and after the first day of July ensuing, the stamped duties hereafter enumerated, will be levied and collected throughout the United States.
At a public numerous meeting of citizens from the different parts of the county of Essex, holden at Elizabeth-Town, this day, pursuant to a general notification, the committee, specially appointed for the purpose, reported the following address ... : To the electors of the counties of Bergen, Essex, and Middlesex, composing the eastern district, for the election of representatives to Congress for the state of New-Jersey.
Treasury Department, July 14, 1798. Circular, : Sir, Herewith you will receive an act of Congress passed at the present session, entituled "An act to continue in force the act entituled 'An act prohibiting for a limited time, the exportation of arms and ammunition; and for encouraging the importation thereof." ...
(Circular to collectors, naval officers and surveyors.) Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, October 26th, 1798. : Sir, A recent communication to this office, renders it probable that the last proviso of the XXXIInd section of the Collection Law, passed on the fourth of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, has not only been differently understood, but that is some districts a construction obtains, which besides being manifestly incorrect, exposes the revenue to risque and injury. ...
(Circular to collectors.) Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, July 19, 1798. : Sir, Herewith you will receive an act of Congress passed on the 16th instant ...
BDSDS. 1799 Circular to the collectors of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New-York. : Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, 28th January, 1799. : Sir, In consequence of a doubt which has been suggested to this office, relative to the operation of the additional allowance of 33 1/3 per centum granted to fishing vessels ...
Law of the United States. By authority. Fifth Congress of the United States, at the third 8ession [sic], begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight. : An act, further to suspend the commercial intercourse between the United States and France, and the dependencies thereof.
(Circular to collectors.) Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, March 27, 1799. : Sir, From communications made to this office, it is apprehended that a difference in practice, obtains at some of the customs houses, in relation to salted provisions of the United States, entitled to bounty on exportation. ...
Circular to the collectors of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, and New-York. : Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, May 10th, 1799.
Water-Vliet, April 16th, 1799. : Sir, As I feel myself engaged in the success of the whole of the inclosed ticket, I wish you would be so obliging as to give it your warmest support. ...
President, a first rate English stud horse, : will stand for covering mares this season in the towns of Berlin and Meriden ...
BDSDS. 1800 Proposals for printing a periodical work, to be called the Connecticut evangelical magazine ...
Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, March 14th, 1800. Circular to collectors, naval officers and surveyors. : Sir, By the 3d section of the registering act ... it is required that every ship or vessel ... shall have her name, as well as that of the port to which she belongs, painted on her stern. ...
Charts published and sold by William Norman. : Sold also by Messrs. E. & S. Larkin, booksellers, no. 47, Cornhill; by Joseph Newell, ship-chandler, opposite the east end of the market; by Clap, Grey & Co. no. 3, Long-Wharf; by Samuel Thaxter, mathematical instrument-maker, no. 49, State-Street, Boston; and by most of the booksellers and ship-chandlers in the other seaports.
For sale, by James White, at Franklin's Head, opposite the prison, Court-Street, Boston. : A large collection of books, consisting of the most celebrated authors in divinity, law, physick, surgery ... &c. A variety of English, Latin, French and Dutch dictionaries ... gazetteers and school-books, of all kinds. ... A very extensive assortment of stationary, with a variety of other articles ...
BDSDS. 1802 To the freemen of the state of Rhode-Island. : Fellow-citizens, Your patience has been too long abused ... Since the year 1790, Governor Fenner has been uniformly supported ... 1
BDSDS. 1809 b-w Extract from An act, for the relief and protection of American seamen. 1