Call Number (LC) Title Results
BDSDS. 1734 These presents witness: : that we who have hereunto subscribed, do promise as neighbours and friends to each other, that in case it should please Almighty God to permit the breaking out of fire in Boston (where we live) that then we will help each other ... and ... we agree to the following articles, viz. 1
BDSDS. 1739 Ein schön geistlich Lied. 1
BDSDS. 1750 Pennsylvania ss. By the Proprietaries. : Whereas [blank] of the county of [blank] hath requested that we would grant [blank] to take up [blank] acres of land more or less, adjoining [blank] in the said county of [blank] for which [blank] agrees to pay to our use at the rate of fifteen pounds ten shillings, current money of this province, for one hundred acres, [blank] and the yearly quit-rent of one half-penny sterling for every acre thereof [blank] These are therefore to authorise and require you to survey or cause to be surveyed unto the said [blank] at the place aforesaid, according to the method of townships appointed, the said quantity of [blank] acres, if not already surveyed or appropriated, and make return thereof into the secretary's office, in order for further confirmation; for which this shall be your sufficient warrant: which survey, in case the said [blank] fulfil the above agreement within six months from date hereof, shall be valid, otherwise void. Given under my hand and seal of the Land-Office, by virtue of certain powers from the said Proprietaries at Philadelphia, this [blank] day of [blank] anno Dom. 175[blank] To Nicholas Scull, surveyor general. To [blank] deputy surveyor. Execute the above warrant, and make return thereof into my office. 1
BDSDS. 1753 [Blank] County in South-Carolina. ss. By [blank] Esq; one of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the county aforesaid. : To any lawful constable of the said county. These are, in His Majesty's name, to command you, that of the goods and chattels of [blank] you cause to be levied the sum of current money ... to be rendered to the said [blank] for h[blank] debt, costs and charges aforesaid, and have there this warrant. Given under my hand and seal, the [blank] day of [blank] anno Domini 17[blank] and it the [blank] year of His Majesty's reign. 1
BDSDS. 1758 I [blank] do acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted myself as a private soldier to serve His Majesty King George the Second, in a company of foot to be raised for a general invasion of Canada. : As witness my hand this [blank] day of [blank] in the year of our Lord 1758. ... 1
BDSDS. 1760 New-York, November 25, 1760. Advertisement. : To be let, the island called Hoobock, in New-Jersey, directly opposite the city of New-York, lying on Hudson's River, containing between seven and eight hundred acres ... Any person inclining to hire the same, may apply to William Bayard, living in New-York, and if they agree, enter into it this fall. ... 1
BDSDS. 1771 F Copy 1 Thomas Hutchinson, Esquire; captain-general and governor in chief, in and over His Majesty's province of Massachusetts-Bay ... : To [blank] greeting. By virtue of the power and authority in and by His Majesty's royal commission to me granted ... I do by these presents ... constitute and appoint you the said [blank] ... Given under my hand and seal at arms at Boston, the [blank] day of [blank] in the [blank] year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Third, annoque Domini, 177[blank]. 1
BDSDS. 1771 F Copy 2 Thomas Hutchinson, Esquire; captain-general and governor in chief, in and over His Majesty's province of Massachusetts-Bay ... : To [blank] greeting. By virtue of the power and authority in and by His Majesty's royal commission to me granted ... I do by these presents ... constitute and appoint you the said [blank] ... Given under my hand and seal at arms at Boston, the [blank] day of [blank] in the [blank] year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Third, annoque Domini, 177[blank]. 1
BDSDS. 1771 F Copy 3 Thomas Hutchinson, Esquire; captain-general and governor in chief, in and over His Majesty's province of Massachusetts-Bay ... : To [blank] greeting. By virtue of the power and authority in and by His Majesty's royal commission to me granted ... I do by these presents ... constitute and appoint you the said [blank] ... Given under my hand and seal at arms at Boston, the [blank] day of [blank] in the [blank] year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Third, annoque Domini, 177[blank]. 1
BDSDS. 1772 The substance of a few expressions delivered by Samuel Fothergill : to some of his relations, when they took leave of him, previous to their setting out for the Yearly Meeting in London, viz. 1
BDSDS. 1773 Horsemanship, by Mr. Bates, : the original, who has had the honor of performing before the Emperor of Germany ... On Tuesday next the 28th. of September instant, if good weather, if not, on the Friday following, at the bottom of the Mall, in Boston, he will perform on one, two, three, and four horses, a variety of manly exercises never seen here ... 1
BDSDS. 1774 New-York, Wednesday, May 18, 1774. To the public. : The mechanicks of this city are earnestly requested to meet this afternoon, being Wednesday, at 6 o'clock, at the house of Mr. Edward Bardin, (now known by the name of Mechanick-Hall) on business of the utmost importance to themselves and their country. 1
BDSDS. 1775 To all unto whom these presents shall come, greeting. : Know ye, that we have assigned and constituted, and do by these presents assign, constitute and appoint our trusty and well-beloved [blank] to be one of our justices to keep our peace ... In testimony whereof, we have caused the public seal of our province of the Massachusetts-Bay aforesaid, to be hereunto affixed: witness [blank] 1
BDSDS. 1776 At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the English colony of Connecticut, in New-England, in America: : holden at New-Haven, in said colony (by special order of the governor) on the fourteenth day of December, anno Dom. 1775.
The Gosport tragedy, or The perjured ship-carpenter. : Tune, Peggy's gone over sea.
At a special Court of General Sessions of the Peace begun and held at Worcester, within and for the county of Worcester, on the fifteenth day of August ... one thousand seven hundred and sixty six. : It is ordered by the said court (as the Court of Sessions to be holden on the first Tuesday of September next, is the term appointed by law, for granting licences to innholders, retailors [sic], or common victualers) that the select men of each town in the county of Worcester, transmit to the last mentioned court, a list of names of those persons in their several towns, whom they approbate for the above purposes ...
In committee, for York County, May 31st, 1776. : Present, fifty-four members ... The resolve of the honourable Continental Congress, of the 15th instant, being read ... Resolved that a delegation from this body of nine members, be ordered to attend the conference of committees at Philadelphia, on the 18th day of June next ...
The Golden bull.
BDSDS. 1777 State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, February 1, 1777. : Whereas our ancestors the venerable and virtuous settlers of this country ... did in the early ages of this state, enact sundry laws for the encouragement of piety and virtue ... And whereas it is represented, that the justices of the peace in the counties of Berkshire and Hampshire, have neglected to hold Courts of General Sessions for the Peace, as the law directs ... It is therefore ordered, that the justices of the said counties be, and they hereby are directed to hold their Courts of General Sessions of the Peace ... and it is also recommended to the good people in those counties, to consider how much the happiness and weal of society depends upon the orderly and regular execution of the laws, and to do all within their power to aid and support the civil magistrates in the execution of their offices. 1
BDSDS. 1778 [Poem on the murder of Joshua Spooner] on the evening of [March 1, 1778]. 1
BDSDS. 1779 State of New-Hampshire. : The committee of both houses appointed to consider of a method for making a new proportion to be a guide for paying taxes in this state; recommend that an order for taking and returning an inventory be issued to all the towns, parishes and places in this state, in the following form, namely ... 1
BDSDS. 1780 By the Honourable Major General Baron de Steuben, commanding the troops in the state of Virginia. : The Honourable the Congress of the United States having directed that the officers of the state of Virginia, on Continental establishment, should assemble together, that their line may be arranged under the new regulations of the 21st of November last: I do therefore hereby direct all Continental officers ... to repair to Chesterfield court-house ... Given under my hand, at Richmond, this 20th day of December ... one thousand seven hundred and eighty ...
Ein Schön geistlich Lied.
Return of the [blank] Company in the [blank] Regiment of Militia, in General Goodwin's Brigade. June [blank] 178[blank].
BDSDS. 1781 Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, June 23, 1781. : Whereas a number of soldiers, inlisted to serve in the Continental Army ... were rejected by the continental muster master as unfit ... Resolved, that the soldiers ... be held and obliged to do such duty as soldiers, as they are respectively able to perform ...
Part the first of a war song.
BDSDS. 1782 The orators. : A poem.
Ein Neues Lied.