Call Number (LC) Title Results
U-101 Symphony no. 40, in G minor, K. 550 1
U101 Pietro Monte's Collectanea : the arms, armour and fighting techniques of a fifteenth-century soldier /
The art of war /
Chinese strategists, beyond Sun Zi's Art of war : Wu Zi's art of war : conversations with Tang Taizong /
The tactics of Aelian : or on the military arrangements of the greeks : a new translation of the manual that influenced warfare for fifteen centuries /
The art of war by Sun Tzu.
The military discipline wherein is martially showne the order for driling the musket and pike : set forth in posture with [the] words of com[m]and, and brief instructions for the right use of the same.
U101 .A34 1616 The tactiks of Ælian, or, Art of embattailing an army after ye Grecian manner / 1
U101 .B26 1598a The theorike and practike of moderne warres. 1
U101 .B27 1643 Military discipline, or, The young artillery-man : wherein is discoursed and showne the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way &c. : together with the exercise of the foot in their motions with much variety : as also diverse and severall formes for the imbattelling small or greater bodies demonstrated by the number of a single company with their reducements ... : whereunto is also added the postures and beneficiall use of the half-pike joyned with the musket : with a way to draw up the Swedish brigade / 1
U101 .B27 1647 Militarie discipline, or, The young artillery-man : vvherein is discoursed and shown the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way &c. : together with the exercise of the foot in their motions with much variety : as also diverse and severall formes for the imbattelling small or greater bodies demonstrated by the number of a single company with their reducements, very necessary for all such as are studious in the art military : whereunto is added the postures and beneficial use of the half-pike joyned with the musket : with the way to draw up the Swedish brigade : as also Mars his triumph / 1
U101 .B27 1661 Militarie discipline, or, The young artillery-man : vvherein is discoursed and shown the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way, &c. : together with the exercise of the foot in their motions, with much variety : as also diverse and several formes for the imbatteling small or greater bodies, demonstrated by the number of a single company, with the reducements ... : whereunto is also added the postures and beneficial vse of the half-pike joyned with the musket : with the way to draw-up the Swedish brigade : as also, Mars his triumph : and in this last edition is added some breif instructions for the exercising of the cavalry, or house-troops. 1
U101 .B27 1668 Militarie discipline, or, The young artillerie-man : wherein is discoursed and showne the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way, &c. : together vvith the exercise of the foot in their motions, with much variety : as also divers and severall formes for the imbattailing small or greater bodies, demonstrated by the number of a single company, with their reducements ... : whereunto is also added the postures and beneficiall use of the halfe-pike joyned with the musket : with the way to draw up the Swedish brigade : as also, Mars his triumph. 1
U101 .B64 A treatise of military discipline; in which is laid down and explained the duty of the officer and soldier, thro' the several branches of the service. 1
U101 .B75 2018 Brill's companion to Aineias Tacticus / 1
U101 .C3 A new system of military discipline founded upon principle 1
U101 .C47413 1971 The book of fayttes of armes and of Chyualrye / 1
U101 .C47413 1999eb The book of deeds of arms and of chivalry / 1
U101 .C6 1591 Approoued order of martiall discipline, with euery particuler offycer his offyce and dutie: : with many other stratagemes adioyning to the same. ; Whereunto is adioyned a second booke, for the true ordering and imbattelling of any number so euer, with the proportions of euery battell, which best serueth in these our dayes of seruice. / 1
U101 .C66 1628 The prospectiue glasse of warre. : shevving you a glimps of vvarres mystery, in her admirable stratagems, policies, wayes; in victualling of an armie, prouiding money to pay souldiers, finding out the enemies purposes, traps, and stratagems: ordering of marches, framing of battails, sundry fights, retreats, and the like, to auoid battell or fight. Furnished with argument to encourage, and skill to instruct. / 1
U101 .C66 1639 The prospective glasse of vvarre : shewing you a glimps of wars mystery, in her admirable stratagems, policies, vvayes, in victualling of an armie, prouiding mony to pay souldiers, finding out the enemies purposes, traps, and stratagems, ordering of marches, framing of battailes, sundry fights, retreats, and the like, to avoid battell or fight : furnished with argument to encourage, and skill to instruct / 1
U101 .D57 1579a Stratioticos. 1
U101 .D813 1642 The art of vvarre; or, Militarie discourses; : shewing how a prince is to prepare himself to make warre ... / 1
U101 .E47 The compleat body of the art military : in three books : I. The postures of the pike and musket ..., II. Twelve exercises ..., III. The drawing up and exercising of regiments after the manner of private companies ... : also, the duties of all souldiers and officers ... / 1
U101 .E58 1650 The compleat body of the art military ... : divided into three books, the first containing the postures of the pike and musket ... the second comprehending twelve exercises ... the third setting forth the drawing up and exercising of regiments ... illustrated with varietie of figures of battail ... / 1