Call Number (LC) Title Results
SF955 .G4 The Gentleman's new jockey, or, Farrier's approved guide : containing the exactest rules and methods for breeding and managing horses, &c. ... especially what relates to racing or running, coursing, travel, war, &c., with directions for heats, dieting, dressing ... ; to which is added a second part, containing many rare and new secrets, never before made publick ... ; illustrated with sundry curious and necessary cutts.
The Gentleman's new jockey, or, Farrier's approved guide : containing the exactest rules and methods for breeding and managing horses, &c. ... especially what relates to racing or running, coursing, travel, war, &c., with directions for heats, dieting, dressing ... ; to which is added a second part, containing many rare and new secrets, never before made publick ... ; illustrated with sundry curious & necessary cuts.
The Gentleman's new jockey, or, Farrier's approved guide : containing the exactest rules and methods for breeding and managing horses, in order to bring them up in the best manner for profit, pleasure, service or recreation : especially what relates to racing or running, coursing, travel and war; with directions for heats, dieting, dressing, and the several paces requisite on any of the like occasions. Also approved receipts, and remedies for all manner of diseases, so[]rances, hurts, or grievances incident to horses, according to the opinions of the best farriers of all ages, with directions for preventing sicknesses and griefs, and the symptoms whereby they are known. : To which is added a second part, containing many rare and new secrets, relating as well to management as cure, and what else may contribute to the advantage of buying or selling; and many other things and matters, highly necessary to be know by all lovers of good horses. : With a treatise for curing diseases in cattel, added this impression, and divers other rare experiments. : Illustrated with sundry curious and necessary cutts.
SF955 .G4 1700 The Gentleman's new jockey: or, Farrier's approved guide: : containing the exactest rules and methods for breeding and managing horses, in order to bring them up in the best manner for profit, pleasure, service or recreation; especially in what relates to racing or running, coursing, travel and war; with directions for heats, dieting, dressing, and the several paces requisite on any of the like occasions. Also approved receipts and remedies for all manner of diseases, sorrances, hurts, or grievances incident to horses, according to the opinions of the best farriers of all ages. With directions for preventing sicknesses and griefs, and the symptoms whereby they are known. : To which is added a second part; containing many rare and new secrets, relating as well to management as cure; and what else may contribute to the advantage of buying or selling; and many other things and matters, highly necessary to be known by all lovers of good horses. With a treatise for curing diseases in cattel added this impression, and divers other rare experiments. Illustrated with sundry curious and necessary cuts. 1
SF955 .H47 1502 Here begynneth the proprytees and medycynes for hors 1
SF955 .L38 A very perfect discourse and order how to know the age of a horse, and the diseases that breed in him, and the remedies to cure the same : as also, the description of every veyne, and how and when to let him blood, according to the diuersity of the disease / 1
SF955 .L82 A verie perfect discourse and order how to know the age of a horse, and the diseases that breede in him, with the remedies to cure the same : as also, the description of euery vayne, and how and when to let him blood, according to the diuersitie of the disease / 1
SF955 .M37 Markham's faithful farrier : wherein the depth of his skill is laid open, in all those principal and approved secrets of horsemanship, which the author never published but hath kept in his breast, and hath been the glory of his practise : to which is added divers choice receipts, found in the authors closet since his decease.
Markhams faithful farrier : wherein the depth of his skill is laid open in all those principal and approved secrets of horsemanship : which the author never published, but hath kept in his breast, and hath been the glory of his practise : to which is added divers choice receipts found in the authors closet since his decease.
Markhams faithfull farrier : wherein the depth of his skill is laid open all those principall and approved secrets of horsemanship, which the author never published but hath kept in his brest, and hath beene the glory of his practice.
SF955 .M37 1610 Markhams maister-peece, or, What doth a horse-man lacke : containing all possible knowledge whatsoeuer which doth belong to any smith, farrier or horse-leech, touching the curing of all maner of diseases or sorrances in horses : drawne with great paine and most approued experience from the publique practise of all the forraine horse-marshals of Christendome and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome : being deuided into two bookes, the first containing all cures physicall, the second whatsoeuer belongeth to chirurgerie, with an addition of 130 most principall chapters and 340 most excellent medicines, receits and secrets worthy euery mans knowledge, neuer written of nor mentioned in any author before whatsoeuer : together with the true nature, vse, and qualitie of euerie simple spoken of through the whole worke : reade me, practise me, and admire me / 1
SF955 .M37 1630 Markhams faithfull farrier : wherein the depth of his skill is layd open in all those principall and approued secrets of horsemanship, which the author neuer published, but hath kept in his brest, and hath beene the glory of his practise.
Markhams faithfull farrier. : Wherein the depth of his skill is layd open in all those principall and approued secrets of horsemanship which the author neuer published, but hath kept in his brest, and hath been the glory of his practise. /
SF955 .M37 1641 Markhams method or epitome : wherein is shewed his approved remedies for all diseases whatsoever incident to horses, and they are almost 300, all cured with twelue medicines onely, not of twelue pence cost, and to 1
SF955 .M37 1656 Markhams maister-peece : containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses ... being divided into two bookes, the first containing all cures physicall, the second all belonging to chirurgery ... / 1
SF955 .M37 1662 Markhams master-piece : containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses ... being divided into two books, the first containing all cures physical, the second all belonging to chirurgery ... / 1
SF955 .R45 1588 Remedies for diseases in horses / 1
SF955 .S72 The TV vet horse book : recognition and treatment of common horse and pony ailments / 1
SF956 .A88 2014e The athletic horse : principles and practice of equine sports medicine / 1
SF956 .B74 2018 Kinesiology taping for horses : the complete guide to taping for Equine health, fitness, and performance / 1
SF956 .D46 1996 Physical therapy and massage for the horse / 1
SF956 .D94 2007 Back to work : how to rehabilitate and recondition your horse / 1
SF956 .H4813 2012 Balancing act : the horse in sport - an irreconcilable conflict? / 1
SF956 .K5413 2019 Physical therapy for horses : an illustrated guide to anatomy, biomechanics, massage, stretching, and rehabilitation / 1
SF956 .L68 1993 Veterinary manual for the performance horse / 1