Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFM 1144, reel 8.88 A brief and true narrative of some remarkable passages relating to sundry persons afflicted by vvitchcraft, at Salem village: which happened from the nineteenth of March, to the fifth of April, 1692. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.89 Christ's fidelity the only shield against Satans malignity. Asserted in a sermon delivered at Salem-village, the 24th of March, 1692. Being lecture-day there, and a time of publick examination, of some suspected for witchcraft. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.90 The wonders of the invisible world: Being an account of the tryals of several vvitches, lately excuted in New-England: and of several remarkable curiosities therein occuring. Together with, I. Observations upon the nature, the number, and the operations of the devils. II. A short narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of witches in Swede-land, very much resembling, and so far explaining, that under which New-England has laboured. III. Some councels directing a due improvement of the terrible things lately done by the unusual and amazing range of evil-spirits in New-England. IV. A brief discourse upon those temptations which are the more ordinary devices of Satan. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.91 A brief narrative of the success which the Gospel hath had, among the Indians, of Martha's-Vineyard (and the places adjacent) in New-England. With some remarkable curiosities, concerning the numbers, the customes, and the present circumstances of the Indians on that island. Further explaning and confirming the account given of those matters, by Mr. Cotton Mather in the life of the renowned Mr. John Eliot. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.92 Angelographia; or, a discourse concerning the nature and power of the holy angels ...
Angelographia, or, A discourse concerning the nature and power of the holy angels, and the great benefit which the true fearers of God receive by their ministry: delivered in several sermons: To which is added, a sermon concerning the sin and misery of the fallen angels: also A disquisition concerning angelical-apparitions.
MFM 1144, reel 8.93 News of a trumpet sounding in the wilderness; or, The Quakers ancient testimony revived... 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.94 An historical and geographical account of the province and country of Pennsilvania; and of West New Jersey in America... 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.95 More wonders of the invisible world: or, The wonders of the invisible world, display'd in five parts. Part 1. An account of the sufferings of Margaret Rule, written by the Reverend Mr. C.M.P. II Several letters to the author, &c. And his reply relating to witchcraft. P. III. The differences between the inhabitants of Salem Village, and Mr. Parris their Minister, in New-England. P. IV. Letters of a gentleman uninterested. Endeavouring to prove the received opinions about witchcraft to be orthodox. With short essays to their answers. P.V.A short historical accout of matters of fact in that affair. To which is added, A postscript relating to a book intitled, The life of Sir William Phips. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.96 Reasonable religion. or, The truth of the Christian religion, demonstrated. The wisdom of its precepts justified: and the folly of sinning against those precepts, reprehended. With incontestable proofs, that men, who would act reasonably, must live religiously. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.97 News of a strumpet co-habiting in the wilderness, or, A brief abstract of the spiritual & carnal vvoredom & adulteries of the Quakers in America. Delinated in a cage of twenty unclean birds. Purposely published in pitty to the Quakers, to let them see themselves as well as others see them, because in pag. 47. of their book, called, Satan's Harbinger, (lately printed at Philadelphia by the authority of their meeting of ministers) they pretend they know no such persons amongst them. Otherwise, 'tis more work for the Quakers to use their arts and imploy their press to prop up their two main pillars infallibility & perfection. For nothing can be written but something may be objected against it. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.98 The checkered state of the gospel church Being the substance of a sermon prepared for, and in part preached on September 18th. 1701. Being a day of publick fasting and prayer. 1
MFM 1144, reel 9.100 The history and present state of Virginia ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 9.101 A journal of travels from New-Hampshire to Caratuck, on the continent of North-America 1
MFM 1144, reel 9.102 The redeemed captive, returning to Zion A faithful history of remarkable occurrences, in the captivity and the deliverance of Mr. John Williams; minister of the gospel, in Deerfield, who, in the desolation which befel that plantation, by an incursion of the French & Indians, was by them carried away, with his family, and his neighbourhood, unto Canada. Drawn up by himself. Whereto there is annexed a sermon preached by him, upon his return, at the lecture in Boston, Decemb. 5, 1706. 1
MFM 1144, reel 9.103 A new description of that fertile and pleasant province of Carolina... 1
MFM 1144, reel 9.104 A new voyage to Carolina containing the exact description and natural history of that country: together with the present state thereof. And a journal of a thousand miles, travel'd thro' several nations of Indians. Giving a particular account of their customs, manners, & c. 1
MFM 1144, reel 9.105 Bonifacivs. An essay upon the good, that is to be devised and designed, by those who desire to answer the great end of life, and to do good while they live. A book offered, first, in general, unto all Christians, in a personal capacity, or in a relative. Then more particularly. Unto magistrates, unto ministers, unto physicians, unto lawyers, unto scholemasters, unto wealthy gentlemen, unto several sorts of officers, unto churches, and unto all societies of a religious character and intention. With humble proposals, of unexceptionable methods, to do good in the world ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 9.106 A vindication of the government of New England churches. Drawn from antiquity; the light of nature; Holy Scripture; its noble nature; and from the dignity divine Providence has put upon it. 1
MFM 1144, reel 9.99 Magnalia Christi americana: or, The ecclesiastical history of New-England, from its first planting in the year 1620. unto the year of our Lord, 1698. In seven books. 1
MFM 1144, reel 10.108 English liberties, or, The free-born subject's inheritance 1