Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFM 1144, reel 68.3 Life of Daniel Webster. 1
MFM 1144, reel 68.4 A memoir of the public services of William Henry Harrison, of Ohio. 1
MFM 1144, reel 68.5 The life and public services of James Buchanan Late minister to England and formerly minister to Russia, senator and representative in Congress, and secretary of state: including the most important of his state papers, 1
MFM 1144, reel 69.1 The life of John Jay; with selections from his correspondence and miscellaneous papers. 1
MFM 1144, reel 69.2 Memoirs of the life of William Wirt, Attorney-General of the United States 1
MFM 1144, reel 69.3 The private life of Daniel Webster 1
MFM 1144, reel 69.4 Reminiscences of Rufus Choate, the great American advocate. 1
MFM 1144, reel 69.5 Biography of Henry Clay. 1
MFM 1144, reel 70.1 History of the life and times of James Madison 1
MFM 1144, reel 70.2 The character and portraits of Washington 1
MFM 1144, reel 70.3 The life of John Pendleton Kennedy 1
MFM 1144, reel 71.1 The life of James Otis, of Massachusetts containing also, notices of some contemporary characters and events from the year 1760 to 1775. 1
MFM 1144, reel 71.2 The life and public services of Samuel Adams being a narrative of his acts and opinions, and of his agency in producing and forwarding the American revolution. With extracts from his correspondence, state papers, and political essays. 1
MFM 1144, reel 72.1 Lectures on art, and poems 1
MFM 1144, reel 72.2 Art-hints. Architecture, sculpture, and painting. 1
MFM 1144, reel 72.3 The art-idea; sculpture, painting and architecture in America 1
MFM 1144, reel 72.4 American facts. Notes and statistics relative to the government, resources, engagements, manufactures, commerce, religion, education, literature, fine arts, manners and customs of the United States of America. 1
MFM 1144, reel 72.5 Church architecture. Illustrated with thirty-five lithographic plates, from original designs. 1
MFM 1144, reel 72.6 Hospital construction, with notices of foreign military hospitals. 1
MFM 1144, reel 73.1 Modern American architecture. Designs and plans for villas, farm-houses, cottages, city residences, churches, school-houses. Containing fifty-five original plates giving in detail plans and illustrations suited to all parts of the country. 1