Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFM 1144, reel 318.1 Elements of chemistry, in the order of the lectures given in Yale College. 1
MFM 1144, reel 318.2 The physical geography of the sea. 1
MFM 1144, reel 318.3 The Merrimack river; its source and its tributaries. Embracing a history of manufactures, and of the towns along its course; their geography, topography, and products, with a description of the magnificent natural scenery about its upper waters. 1
MFM 1144, reel 318.4 Elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology, being an introduction to the study of these sciences, and designed for the use of pupils,--for persons attending lectures on these subjects,--and as a companion for travellers in the United States of America. Illustrated by six plates. 1
MFM 1144, reel 318.5 Geology of North America; with two reports on the prairies of Arkansas and Texas, the Rocky mountains of New Mexico, and the Sierra Nevada of California, originally made for the United States government. 1
MFM 1144, reel 318.6 Ancient mineralogy; or, An inquiry respecting mineral substances mentioned by the ancients: with occasional remarks on the uses to which they were applied. 1
MFM 1144, reel 318.7 Report on the geology of the state of Connecticut. 1
MFM 1144, reel 318.8 The metric system, considered with reference to its introduction into the United States; embracing the reports of the Hon. John Quincy Adams, and the lecture of Sir John Herschel. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.1 A text book of geometrical drawing, for the use of mechanics and schools, in which the definitions and rules of geometry are familiarly explained. With illustrations for drawing plans, sections and elevations of buildings and machinery, a course of linear perspective and shadows: an essay on the theory of color, in its application to architectural and mechanical drawings. The whole illustrated with fifty-six steel plates. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.10 The life and adventures of Rear-Admiral John Paul Jones, commonly called Paul Jones. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.11 Memoir of Alexander Macomb, the major general commanding the Army of the United States. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.12 Voyage to South America, performed by order of the American government in the years 1817 and 1818, in the frigate Congress. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.2 A vindication of his public character in the station of director-general of the military hospitals, and physician in chief of the American army; anno, 1776. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.3 A compendium of military duty, adapted for the militia of the United States; in three parts. Containing: part I. The duty of soldiers in general, non-commissioned--commissioned, field and general officers; with instructions for the conduct of each, both in the militia & in actual service. Part II. The manooeuvres and evolutions of the infantry, artillery and cavalry, upon the plan laid down for the army of the United States, upon the Prussian system. Part III. Some particular instructions to officers of partizan corps, interspered with historical facts, anecdotes, &c.--together with the manooeuvres of armies. The whole carefully collated from the Count Saxe, the Chevalier de Valiere, M. Lamont, the Baron Stuben, and other eminent characters. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.4 Abuses in the navy. Case of Lieutenant Flagg. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.5 The pride of Britannia humbled: or. The Queen of the ocean unqueen'd, "by the American cock boats". Illustrated and demonstrated by four letters addressed to Lord Liverpool, on the late American war. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.6 Historical sketch of the second war between the United States of America, and Great Britain, declared by act of Congress, the 18th of June, 1812, and concluded by peace, the 15th of February, 1815. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.7 The history of the War, between the United States and Great Britain, which commenced in June 1812, and closed in February, 1815. Comp. chiefly from public documents. With an appendix, containing the correspondence which passed ... in treating for peace, and a list of vessels taken from Great-Britain during the war. 1
MFM 1144, reel 319.8 Campaigns of the Rio Grande and of Mexico. With notices of the recent work of Major Ripley. 1
MFM 1144, reel 320.1 My last cruise; or, where we went and what we saw: being an account of visits to the Malay and Loo-Choo Islands, the coasts of China, Formosa, Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia and the mouth of the Amoor River. 1