Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 813 A model for planning and operating physical education/recreation facilities based upon community education ideology 1
MFE 814 Reification of the human body in ancient Greece a metabletic investigation / 1
MFE 815 The effectiveness of programmed instruction in the learning of gymnastic skills by high school girls 1
MFE 816 The relationship between selected volleyball skill components and team performance of mens' Northwest Double A volleyball teams 1
MFE 817 The effect of two different periods of weight reduction upon the physical fitness of college wrestlers 1
MFE 818 A history of racquetball 1
MFE 819 Innovation in girls' physical education at New Trier Township High School, Winnetka, Illinois, 1930 to 1960 1
MFE 820 The influence of selected activity programs on strength of the thigh and leg extensors of preschoolers as measured by cable tension 1
MFE 821 Movement responses of kindergarten children to a change of direction task an analysis of selected measures / 1
MFE 822 Comparative times required to complete various back stroke turns 1
MFE 823 Variations in postural sway related to aging in women 1
MFE 824 The development of prehension in normal infants 1
MFE 825 The relationship between the home environment and the development of motor skill proficiency in high school girls of high and low motor skill achievement 1
MFE 826 The effects of a physical education program on the physical and social development of sixth grade boys and girls 1
MFE 827 Multivariate analysis of the walking behavior in institutional Down's syndrome males 1
MFE 828 Design for utilizing gesture in dance 1
MFE 829 Teaching and coaching behaviors of university physical educators 1
MFE 830 The influence of eye dominance on baseball batting performance 1
MFE 831 Analysis of the Individual Medley Swimming Test 1
MFE 832 The effects of a timed weight training circuit program on cardiovascular endurance 1