Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 6021 L97c Cognitive therapy and rational education a theory based program using adventure, challenge, and recreation / 1
MFE 6021 L99e The effect of mirror feedback in learning a frontal plane motor skill on students in a Pilates mat program 1
MFE 6021 M126p Parent-coach and child-athlete retrospective perceptions of the dual role in youth sport 1
MFE 6021 M13p The prevalence of eating disorders within Division I and Division III intercollegiate athletics 1
MFE 6021 M13r The relationship of sources of sport-confidence and goal orientation 1
MFE 6021 M14a The analysis of the relationship between determinants, barriers, values, and stages of exercise change to physical activity 1
MFE 6021 M147i Intrinsic motivation and participation in sport as perceived leisure 1
MFE 6021 M147r The role of relatedness in physical activity motivation, behaviour, and affective experiences a self-determination theory perspective / 1
MFE 6021 M1471u Understanding sport participation motivation in early adolescent females the role of friendship and physical self-perceptions / 1
MFE 6021 M17d The development and implementation of the Total Person Program at the Georgia Tech Athletic Association 1
MFE 6021 M177s A study of infant posture what is the contribution of arm movements to control of the center of mass during the perturbation of reaching? / 1
MFE 6021 M22r The relationship between morningness/eveningness and exercise habits 1
MFE 6021 M222b Body image, self-concepts and self-esteem in male and female adolescent cross-country runners 1
MFE 6021 M227e An expert performance and deliberate practice analysis of open sport referees 1
MFE 6021 M23t Task analysis and performance cues for beginning sport climbers 1
MFE 6021 M26g Goal orientation and level of satisfaction in runners 1
MFE 6021 M27s A social cognitive perspective of motivational and self-regulatory mechanisms of leadership in female collegiate rowers 1
MFE 6021 M27t Temporal impact of goal orientations, social support, and sources of self-efficacy on efficacy restoration from athletic injuries 1
MFE 6021 M277r Retrieving movement memory with and without the use of musical cues 1
MFE 6021 M28l The link between athletic participation and academic performance 1