Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 6017 M363c Coaching staff cohesion and success of intercollegiate field hockey teams 1
MFE 6017 M363d The development and validation of the coaching staff cohesion scale 1
MFE 6017 M367d Descriptive study of state statute regulation of athlete agents 1
MFE 6017 M42e Evaluating and implementing risk management strategies for the University of South Carolina Athletics Department 1
MFE 6017 M432l Lifesports an urban youth sports organization based on the principles of character building, academic success, and career development / 1
MFE 6017 M44i Comparison of serratus anterior EMG activity during stable and unstable closed kinetic chain exercise 1
MFE 6017 M45c A comparison of the effects of a cryotherapy and a thermotherapy stretching program on the flexibility of the hamstring muscles in untrained, uninjured female adolescents 1
MFE 6017 M46c Coaching efficacy and occupational commitment of intercollegiate soccer coaches 1
MFE 6017 M47f Factors Indiana high school athletic directors consider when hiring a boy's [i.e. boys'] varsity basketball coach 1
MFE 6017 M471u Using digitally versatile disk (DVD) video technology for teaching disability sport, games, and activities to general physical educators 1
MFe 6017 M479p Physiological and biomechanical characteristics of subjects utilizing different strategies in the vertical jump performance 1
MFE 6017 M48c A comparison of gender equity at universities with separate versus merged men's and women's athletic departments 1
MFE 6017 M49p Power and velocity production for different relative intensities for the hang power clean exercise 1
MFE 6017 M53e Effects of fatigue on shock attenuation during running 1
MFE 6017 M5347i Identity, lifestyles, and brand marketing in Canadian women's surfing an ethnographic study / 1
MFE 6017 M55g The gambling behavior of college students at a midwestern university 1
MFE 6017 M56g Gender roles in choreography an examination of Pina Bausch / 1
MFE 6017 M569e An electromyographic investigation of four elastic tubing closed kinetic chain exercises after ACL reconstruction 1
MFE 6017 M57s Students' perceptions of the North Carolina basketball student ticket distribution 1
MFE 6017 M5751c A comparison of hip and knee extension torques in conventional and split squat exercises 1