Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 5807 A pilot assessment of nonneutral postures and worker discomfort in VDT operators 1
MFE 5808 Freshmen athletes' perceptions of adjustment to intercollegiate athletics 1
MFE 5809 Religious practices and high-risk behaviors of college student athletes and nonathletes 1
MFE 5810 A comparison of six personality factors between professional, college, and high school basketball players 1
MFE 5811 Factors related to fasting behavior among American adults 1
MFE 5812 The effect of the presence of the coach on pain perception and pain tolerance of athletes 1
MFE 5814 Incentive motivation of female basketball players across three age levels 1
MFE 5815 Goal perspectives and their relationships to beliefs, affective responses and coping strategies among African and Anglo American athletes 1
MFE 5816 A comparison of the sportsmanship attitudes and/or moral reasoning of interscholastic coaches 1
MFE 5817 Music effects on the acquisition of a motor skill 1
MFE 5818 Investigation of physical self-perceptions, fitness behavior, and program selection among fitness participants in three fitness club environments 1
MFE 5819 Gender differences in sport orientation and goal orientation 1
MFE 5820 A comparison of the leadership behavior of winning and losing high school basketball coaches 1
MFE 5821 The effects of goal setting and imagery training programs on the free-throw performance of female basketball players 1
MFE 5822 Self-perceptions of female dancers, athletes, exercisers, and non-exercisers 1
MFE 5823 Differences of co-dependency and self-esteem in college age male and female athletes and nonathletes 1
MFE 5824 Differences in competitive anxiety and perceived competence for high and low level competitive youth swimmers 1
MFE 5826 A confirmatory factor analysis of the Carolina Sport Confidence Inventory 1
MFE 5827 Validity concerns in previous studies examining the frequency of anorexia nervosa in female ballet dancers 1
MFE 5828 Belief in mental imagery in free throw performance 1