Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 4771 The effect of various lifting intensities in release of human growth hormone 1
MFE 4772 Differential effects of strength training and endurance training on parameters related to resistance to gravitational forces 1
MFE 4773 Validity and reliability of the 20-meter shuttle test in American females 19-34 years of age 1
MFE 4774 The acute effects of moderate intensity circuit weight training on lipid-lipoprotein profiles 1
MFE 4775 The effect of breathing technique on blood pressure response to weight lifting 1
MFE 4776 Differences in peak blood lactate values in long course versus short course swimming 1
MFE 4777 The effects of the menstrual cycle on exercise performance 1
MFE 4778 The cardiovascular and metabolic responses of men with cardiovascular disease to aqua dynamic exercise 1
MFE 4779 The relationship between skeletal muscle blood flow and blood lactate concentrations during exercise in rats 1
MFE 4780 Validity of techniques for measuring blood cholesterol with the Reflotron 1
MFE 4781 Ninety second cycle ergometer tests for assessing anaerobic glycolytic power 1
MFE 4782 Validation of a cardiorespiratory fitness test for men with mental retardation 1
MFE 4783 Comparison of total peripheral resistance and blood velocity as obtained from Doppler ultrasound waveforms during rest, exercise and recovery 1
MFE 4784 Accuracy of perceived heaviness and perceived joint placement in normal and injured shoulder joints 1
MFE 4785 Acute cardiovascular responses of cardiac patients to dynamic variable resistance exercise of varying intensity 1
MFE 4786 Effect of age and thirty minutes of exercise on prostacyclin/thromboxane A₂ ratios and circulating concentrations of prostacyclin and thromboxane A₂ 1
MFE 4787 A comparison between stairclimbing and graded walking in peripheral vascular occlusive disease 1
MFE 4788 The effects of aerobic dance exercise and nutrition intervention on cholesterol levels 1
MFE 4789 The relationship between bone mineral density and selected variables an epidemiological perspective / 1
MFE 4790 The effects of dehydration and temperature on movement and reaction time in college age males 1