Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 3981 A comparison of healing for abrasions dressed with Duoderm or non-adherent gauze 1
MFE 3982 A biomechanical analysis of wheelchair racing and the effects of different constant velocities on torque, stroke length, and stroke rate 1
MFE 3983 The use of an exercise model to study muscle damage, repair and adaptation in young and older subjects 1
MFE 3984 A comparison of ground reaction forces during level and downhill running at similar speeds 1
MFE 3985 The effects of landing on lower extremity function 1
MFE 3986 Muscle damage, repair, and adaptation following eccentric arm exercise 1
MFE 3987 Conditioning and training programs used by women's intercollegiate volleyball coaches 1
MFE 3988 The baseball players revolt of 1890 1
MFE 3989 Dynamics of children's gait 1
MFE 3990 The effect of dry-fire training with auditory feedback about rifle barrel movement on hold position steadiness of subelite marksman 1
MFE 3991 Muscular strength of active men, 25 to 64 years of age 1
MFE 3992 Comparison of restriction of ankle inversion by taping versus bracing 1
MFE 3993 Analysis of actual and ideal importance of administrative duties as perceived by physical education administrators 1
MFE 3994 A biomechanical comparison of novice, intermediate and elite ice skaters 1
MFE 3995 Tenure considerations for individuals in full time teaching faculty positions with dual responsibilities in intercollegiate athletics 1
MFE 3996 The effect of an air stirrup ankle brace on rearfoot control 1
MFE 3997 The effect of corporate sponsorship of athletic events on the corporate image 1
MFE 3998 A descriptive analysis of physical education teachers' observed behavior in sex-integrated physical education classes 1
MFE 3999 Functional isometric weight training its effects on dynamic and static leg strength / 1
MFE 4000 Dynamic assessment of lower extremity load characteristics during landing 1