Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 308 Dosage effects of methylphenidate on the activity level of hyperactive children 1
MFE 309 Water quality criteria for selected recreational uses site comparisons. 1
MFE 310 The recreation planning process 1
MFE 311 An analysis of the attitudes of resident camp administrators regarding critical problems in resident camping 1
MFE 312 Procedural guidelines for undergraduate recreation field study programs at Army service clubs 1
MFE 313 Guidelines for evaluation of environmental (conservation) education curricula 1
MFE 314 The contributions of Charles K. Brightbill to the recreation movement 1
MFE 315 A historical study of the California State Recreation Commission, 1947-1966 1
MFE 316 Extent of sexual knowledge, accumulation of sexual information, and sex education attitudes of undergraduate students at Appalachian State University 1
MFE 317 A modified projective instrument for measuring attitudes with respect to drugs 1
MFE 318 Factors affecting elementary school children's opinions and behavior concerning smoking 1
MFE 319 Motor memory as a function of original learning 1
MFE 320 A comparison of attitudes of parents of sixth grade children toward elementary physical education and elementary athletic competition 1
MFE 321 The effect of selected perceptual-motor skills on reading 1
MFE 322 An analysis of the discovery process in teaching concepts relating to physical activities based on an interpretation of Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance 1
MFE 323 An electromyographical study of response times to a kinesthetic stimulus 1
MFE 324 An experimental study to determine which of five different practice procedures is more effective in the acquisition of a complex motor skill 1
MFE 325 The effects of a program of total body movement upon the educable mentally retarded child's ability to understand selected geometric forms 1
MFE 326 An analysis of state and trait anxiety experienced in sports competition by women at different age levels 1
MFE 327 A comparison of crossed dominant to unilaterally dominant individuals in accuracy motor performance tasks 1