Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 2211 Survey of the attitudes of superintendents, school board presidents, and principals toward health education by school district size 1
MFE 2212 Human support systems utilized by hospitalized patients an exploratory study / 1
MFE 2213 A dissertation entitled Preconditioned cues of performance effects on acquisition of a serial motor task / 1
MFE 2214 The role of vision for the control of aiming movements 1
MFE 2215 The effects of a medically supervised group exercise program on the self-concept and life style of cardiac patients 1
MFE 2216 A descriptive analysis of teacher augmented feedback given to university students in beginning golf classes 1
MFE 2217 A dissertation entitled Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of visual motor performance in normal and learning disabled boys 1
MFE 2218 A comparison of the effects of three short delays of augmenting videotape feedback on the learning and retention of a novel motor skill 1
MFE 2219 Need achievement, locus of control, and self-perception of highly competitive dancers, gymnasts, choir, and orchestra members 1
MFE 2220 Motor control modifications related to skill acquisition 1
MFE 2221 The effects of coeducational classes, sex, and locus of control on levels of aspiration of high school girls and boys 1
MFE 2222 Interrelationships among autonomic, self-report and behavioral measures of competitive arousal 1
MFE 2223 Effects of various levels of fatigue on the speed and accuracy of visual recognition 1
MFE 2224 The relationship of sex-role orientations to stereotypes held for female athletes in selected sports 1
MFE 2225 A dissertation entitled Gross motor skill performance as a function of feedback quantity and location 1
MFE 2226 Meaningfulness in life, locus of control and sex-role orientation of selected female athletes and non-athletes 1
MFE 2227 A dissertation entitled Information processing ability of the cerebral palsied individual as a function of increasing age and stimulus complexity 1
MFE 2228 Evaluation apprehension effect on dominant motor performance response / 1
MFE 2229 A study of perceived locus of control in college women athletes in team and individual sports 1
MFE 2230 Attention to concurrent visual and kinesthetic stimuli by athletes and non athletes 1