Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 1441 American abstract expressionists and imagists. 1
MFE 1442 Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele. 1
MFE 1443 Housing & urban affairs. 1
MFE 1444 A cinematographic analysis of the triple jump / 1
MFE 1445 The effect of facility sharing agreements on the availability of arenas and gymnasia for physical education and recreation programs in selected southwestern Ontario cities / 1
MFE 1446 The relationship between soccer playing ability and selected measures of structure and physical-physiological performance in college men / 1
MFE 1447 Lifestyles of never married women physical educators in institutions of higher education in the United States 1
MFE 1448 Biomechanical analysis of the dislocate 1
MFE 1449 The effects of body position and stretching technique on the development of hip and back flexibility / 1
MFE 1450 An analysis of three non-objective choreographic techniques / 1
MFE 1451 Technocentric and homocentric ideologies in physical education : a sociology of knowledge perspective / 1
MFE1452 An inquiry into undergraduate philosophy of physical education course experiences in Canadian universities / 1
MFE 1453 Cinematographical analysis of female gait with reference to chondromalacia patellae / 1
MFE 1454 The history of the development of women's costumes in selected team and individual sports / 1
MFE 1455 Attribution of attitudes toward physical activity as a function of success / 1
MFE 1456 Film series : movement education for young children / 1
MFE 1457 Rocks into rapids Ocoee Whitewater Center, Cherokee National Forest.
Further revised allocation to subcommittees of budget totals from the concurrent resolution for fiscal year 2006
Musconetcong Wild and Scenic Rivers Act report (to accompany S. 1096).
National Employee Savings and Trust Equity Guarantee Act report (to accompany S. 1953).
Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild and Scenic River Study Act of 2005 report (to accompany S. 435).
Approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003 report (to accompany S.J. Res. 18) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office).
Gordon Young : the passing of an era /
MFE 1458 The effect of the community school concept upon planning and utilization of indoor physical education facilities in the United States since 1970 1
MFE 1459 A cinematographic and comparative analysis of the basketball jump shot as performed by male and female shooters / 1
MFE 1460 Perceptions of women in sport / 1