Call Number (LC) Title Results
M2 .R2384 vol. 159 Collected sacred works / 1
M2 .R2384 vol. 160 Motecta (1590) / 1
M2 .R2384 vol. 162 Complete madrigals. and, Madrigals published only in anthologies, 1574-1586 / 1
M2 .R2384 vol. 163 Motets from the 1560s : seventeen motets from Modulationes sex vocum and Motetta D. Cipriani de Rore et aliorum auctorum / 1
M2 .R2384 vol. 164 Masses by Ludwig Daser and Matthaeus Le Maistre : parody masses on Josquin's motets from the court of Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria / 1
M2 .R2384 vol. 165 M1529.5 Il lamento di Olimpia et canzone : Venice, 1567 : three works for Isabella de' Medici / 1
M2 .R2384 vol. 168 Il terzo libro de madrigali a cinque voci (1586) ; and, Madrigals first published in anthologies, 1588-1610 / 1
M2 .R2384 vol. 169 The hymn cycle of Vienna 16197 : late sixteenth-century polyphonic vesper hymn settings from the Habsburg homelands / 1
M2 .R2385 [Fan bai] = Chinese Buddhist monastic chants /
Celestial airs of antiquity : music of the seven-string zither of China /
Deutsche Lieder für Jung und Alt /
Emily's songbook : music in 1850s Albany /
Ethiopian Christian liturgical chant : an anthology /
Jewish folk songs from the Baltics : selections from the Melngailis collection /
The oriental music broadcasts, 1936-1937 : a musical ethnography of Mandatory Palestine /
The folk songs of Ashkenaz /
M2 .R242 v.61 Fantasies and fugues : for organ and pianoforte / 1
M2 .R28 Beneventanum troporum corpus /
Complete works /
The Conductus collections of ms Wolfenbüttel 1099 /
De tous biens plaine : twenty-eight settings of Hayne van Ghizeghem's chanson /
Early medieval chants from Nonantola /
Masses /
The Montpellier codex /
Monophonic tropes and conductus of W1 : the tenth fascicle /
Motets and prosulas /
Motets from the Chansonnier de Noailles /
Fortuna desperata : thirty-six settings of an Italian song /
Sacred music.
M2 .R29 Afterword, addenda and corrigenda, indexes /
Ayres, or, Fa la's : for three voyces (1627) /
Battaglia d'Amor e Dispetto ; and, Mascherata della Malinconia et Allegrezza /
Cantica sacra sex et octo vocibus : (Munich, 1585) /
Canzoni d'intavolatura d'organo /
Cantiones aliquot : quinque vocum (Munich, 1569) ; Ten motets from Selectiorum aliquot cantionum sacrarum sex vocum fasciculus : Munich, 1570 /
Cantiones sacrae : madrigalian motets from Jacobean England /
Cantiones sacrae : 1578 /
Cantuum quinque vocum quos motetta vocant-- : liber primus (1559) /
Cantiones quinque vocum : Munich, 1597 /
Canzoni francese, libro primo : Ottaviano Scotto's 1535 collection of twenty-three chansons for four voices /
Canzoni villanesche and villanelle /
Catechesis numeris musicis inclusa; and Schöne und auserlesene deudsche und lateinische geistliche Gesenge /
Les cent cinquante Pseaumes de David : mis en musique à quatre (et cinq) parties /
Chansons-- livre premier-- (1589) /
Chansons, odes, et sonetz de Pierre Ronsard : 1576 /
The collected secular works /
Collected sacred works /
Collected works /
Collected works.
The Combinative chanson : an anthology /
The complete motets. Sacrae cantiones quinque vocum (Munich, 1582) /
The complete motets Cantiones sacrae sex vocum (Graz, 1594 /
Complete madrigals 5-6 : madrigals of Secendo libro a 5 (conclusion), madrigals of the Terzo libro a 5, other madrigals a 5 /
Complete madrigals 3-4 : madrigals of the Primo libro a 5, madrigals of the Secondo libro a 5 (beginning) /
Complete madrigals 1 : madrigals of Libro primo a 3, Conzone of Petrach a 3, Giustiniane a 3 /
Complete madrigals 12 : madrigals a 10, madrigals a 12 /
Complete madrigals 11 : madrigals a 8 /
Complete madrigals 9-10 : madrigals of the Secondo libro a 6, other madrigals a 6, madrigals a 7 /
Complete madrigals 7-8 : madrigals of the primo libro a 6 /
The complete motets
Complete unaccompanied madrigals.
Consort, full, and verse anthems /
Counterpoints on a cantus firmus /
Dodecacorde : comprising twelve Psalms of David set to music according to the twelve modes /
The fantasias for vihuela /
The hymn cycle of Vienna 16197 : late sixteenth-century polyphonic vesper hymn settings from the Habsburg homelands /
Lamentations /
Il lamento di Olimpia et canzone : Venice, 1567 : three works for Isabella de' Medici /
Leise settings of the Renaissance and Reformation era /
Liber sextus sacrarum cantionum /
Livre quatrième des chansons-- (1591) ; Other chansons /
Livre troisième des chansons-- (1590) /
Livre second des chansons-- (1590) /
The lute fantasias /
Madrigals for three to eight voices /
Madrigali and canzoni for four and five voices /
Moduli undecim festorum /
Modulorum Ioannis Maillardi-- : the four-part motets /
Modulorum Ioannis Maillardi : the five-, six-, and seven-part motets /
Moduli quinis vocibus nunquam hactenus editi : (Paris, 1571) /
Motets from printed anthologies and manuscripts, 1580-1594 /
Motets for four to eight voices from Thesaurus musicus (Nuremberg, 1564) /
Motets for four to eight voices from Selectissimae cantiones (Nuremberg, 1568) /
Motets from Quinque et sex vocibus perornatae sacrae cantiones (Venice, 1565) ; Motets for five to eight voices from Sacrae cantiones, liber secundus, tertius, quartus (Venice, 1566) /
Motets for six voices from Primus liber concentuum sacrorum ; Motets for four to ten voices from Modulorum secundum volumen /
Motets from printed anthologies and manuscripts, 1555-1569 /
Motets from printed anthologies and manuscripts, 1570-1579 /
Motets and chansons /
Motets from 1549.
Motets for three to twelve voices from Magnum opus musicum (Munich, 1604) /
Motets from the 1560s : seventeen motets from Modulationes sex vocum and Motetta D. Cipriani de Rore et aliorum auctorum /
Mottetta, sex vocum, typis nondum uspiam excusa : Munich, 1582 /
Musica spirituale : libro primo (Venice, 1563) /
Musyck boexken, Dutch songs for four voices /
Neapolitan lute music /
Newe deutzsche Lieder /
Patrocinium musices : prima pars (Munich, 1573) /
Preces, festal Psalms, and verse anthems /
Primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci /
Il primo libro de madrigali a sei voci /
Il primo libro de madrigali e canzoni francezi : for five voices /
Primo libro di madregali a cinque voci (Ferrara, 1595) /
Il primo libro de mottetti a cinque et a sei voci (Antwerp, 1556) /
Il primo libro de' madrigali a cinque voci (Ferrara, 1571) ; Secondo libro de madrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1576) /
Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci /
Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1578) /
Quinto libro de' madrigali a cinque voci (Ferrara, 1595) ; Sesto libro de' madrigali a cinque voci (Ferrara, 1596) ; Settimo libro de' madrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1604) /
Florentine festival music 1480-1520 /
The four-voice canzonettas /
French chansons for three voices (ca. 1550) /
Two motet cycles for Matins for the dead : Sacrae lectiones ex Propheta Job (ca. 1560) and Lectiones sacrae novem, ex libris Hiob excerptae (ca. 1583) /
The Wanley manuscripts /
The Ricercars of the Bourdeney codex /
Ricercari d'intavolatura d'organo : 1567 /
Le rossignol musical des chansons (Antwerp, 1597) /
Sacrae cantiones for four voices (Munich, 1585) /
Sacred and secular songs for three voices /
Savonarolan laude, motets, and anthems /
Il secondo libro delle canzoni a sei voci (1575) /
Secondo libro de madrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1604) /
Selected introits from Leipzig 49/50 : (1558) /
Selected chansons from British Library, ms. Additional 35087 /
Selva di varia ricreatione : 1590 /
Seven masses /
Settings of "Ardo sì" and its related texts /
The seven penitential psalms and Laudate Dominum de caelis /
The si placet repertoire of 1480-1530 /
Si placet parts for motets by Josquin and his contemporaries /
Terzo libro de madrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1582) /
Il terzo libro de madrigali a cinque voci (1586) ; and, Madrigals first published in anthologies, 1588-1610 /
Thirty-six chansons /
Three Mass proper cycles from Jena 35 /
The Tudor church music of the Lumley books /
M2 R29 Complete madrigals 2 : madrigals a 4, greghasche a 4, 5, and 7 / 1
M2 .R29 v.164 Masses by Ludwig Daser and Matthaeus Le Maistre : parody masses on Josquin's motets from the court of Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria / 1
M2 .R30 Airs à deux et trois parties /
Airs from Airs de différents autheurs /
Arie a voce sola de diversi auttori : Venice, 1656 /
The Brasov tablature : (Brasov music manuscript 808) : German keyboark studies 1680-1684 /
Cantatas for solo voice /
Cantate, ariete a una, due, e tre voci, opus 3 /
Cantatas with violins.
Cantatas for one and two voices /
Cantatas, op. 5 /
Cantatas for one and two voices = Cantates françoises : à I et II voix (1710) ; and, the grande symphonie version of Dom Quichote : ca. 1728 /
Capricci (1622).
Celos aun del aire matan : fiesta cantada (opera in three acts) /
Cephale et Procris /
Cifras selectas de guitarra : introduction, transcription, and critical report /
Collected vocal music.
Collected works /
Complete sonatas for violoncello and basso continuo /
Complete sonatas /
Complete solo songs /
Complete works /
Compositioni varie per musica di camera : opus 13 /
Concerted sacred music of the Bologna school /
Concerti grossi for two violins /
Concerti musicali : opus 6 /
Concerti sacri : opera seconda /
Concerti, opus 7 : chamber works for four to six voices and instruments /
Concerto grosso arrangements of Geminiani's opus 1 violin sonatas /
Curtio precipitato et altri capricii : 1638 /
Dedication service for St. Gertrude's Chapel, Hamburg, 1607 /
Diana su l'Elba /
Diligam te, Domine /
Don Quichotte auf der Hochzeit des Comacho : comic opera-serenata in one act /
La Doriclea /
Duetti, terzetti, e madrigali a più voci /
Dulces mundani exilij deliciae /
Erster Theil newer Paduanen /
L'Euridice : an opera in one act, five scenes /
Harpsichord music /
In nativitatem Domini canticum : H. 416 /
Jean Racine's Cantiques spirituels : musical settings by Moreau, Lalande, Collasse, Marchand, Duhalle, and Bousset /
The judgment of Paris /
Keyboard transcriptions from the Bach circle /
Keyboard music /
Late-seventeenth-century English keyboard music : Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS.Mus.Sch.D.219 ; Oxford, Christ Church, Mus. MS. 1177 /
Livre d'airs et de simphonies mélez de quelques fragmens d'opéra (1697) /
Lustige Madrigalien und Canzonetten /
Lyra viol duets /
Lute concerti /
Magnificat /
Madrigali et arie per sonare et cantare : libro primo (1609) and libro secondo (1610) /
Masses /
Masses by Alessandro Scarlatti and Francesco Gasparini : music from the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome /
Messa, e salmi concertati : op. 4 (1639) /
Messa e salmi, parte concertati.
Messa e salmi, parte concertati. [Messa a 8 con 2 violini et altri istromenti, alla quarta] /
Missa Christi resurgentis /
La morte d'Orfeo : tragicommedia pastorale /
The motets of Jacob Praetorius II /
Motets /
Motets for two to six voices, opus 1 /
Motetti a una, due, tre e quattro voci (1638) /
Motetti a 2, 3, 4 e cinque voci (1642) /
Music for an academic defense : Rome, 1617 /
Music for Molière's comedies /
Music for Macbeth /
A Neapolitan festa a ballo = Delizie di Posilipo boscarecce, e maritime, and Selected instrumental ensemble pieces from Naples Conservatory ms. 4.6.3. /
Nine settings of the Litanies de la Vierge /
Le nuove musiche /
Orpheus ecclesiasticus /
Paradisus musicus /
Partitura seu Tabulatura italica /
Passions /
Petits motets from the Royal Convent School at Saint-Cyr /
Il pianto e il riso delle quattro stagioni /
Pimpinone : intermezzi comici musicali /
Il pomo d'oro : (Music for Acts III and V from Modena, Biblioteca Estense, Ms. Mus. E. 120) /
Premier livre d'orgue ; and, Nouveau livre de noëls /
Il primo libro de' madrigali a quattro voci /
Psalmodia regia : (Leipzig, 1632) /
Five-voice motets for the Assumption of the Virgin Mary /
La flora /
Four sacred concertos /
Four sacred cantatas /
Fourteen motets from the court of Ferdinand II of Hapsburg /
La gara degli dei /
La Galatea /
Geistliche Gesäng und Melodeyen /
Geistlicher Dialogen ander Theil : including a setting of Martin Opitz's Salomons des Hebreischen Königes Hohes Liedt /
German Te Deum : a setting of Martin Luther's translation /
La grand-mére amoureuse, parodie d'Atys : a marionette parody of Lully's Atys /
Adonis /
Twelve chamber duets /
Twelve fantasias for two bass viols and organ and eleven pieces for three lyra viols /
Twelve cantatas, opus 4 /
Twelve chamber sonatas : London, 1732 /
Twelve trios /
Twelve sonatas, opus 16 /
Twelve solos for a violin or oboe with basso continuo, book 1 /
Two cantatas for soprano and chamber ensemble /
Two settings of the Gloria /
Le varie musiche and other songs /
Venere, Amore e Ragione : serenata a 3 /
Venere, Adone, et Amore : original version, Naples 1696 and revised version, Rome 1706 /
Virginalia Eucharistica (1615) /
Viretum pierium : (1621) /
The vocal concertos /
Vocal chamber music /
Requiem = Messe des morts : for four soloists, chorus, orchestra, and continuo /
La rhétorique des dieux /
Rinaldo and Armida /
Sacra corona : (Venice, 1656) /
Sacred music.
Sacred vocal music /
Salmi a quattro chori /
Salmi passaggiati : (1615) /
Il secondo libro de madrigali a cinque voce (Venice, 1604) /
Secular vocal music /
Il secondo libro delli concerti : (Milan, 1627) /
Selected Magnificats /
Selected sacred music from the Ospedale della Pietà /
Selected compositions /
Selected anthems and motet recompositions /
Selected music for vespers /
Selected ensemble sonatas /
Selected verse anthems /
Selected sacred music /
Selections from the Gespräche (1655-56) with capellen /
Selva armonica : (Rome, 1617) /
Seventeenth-century Lutheran church music with trombones /
Six concertos for the harpsichord or organ : (Walsh's transcriptions, 1738) /
Six chorale cantatas /
Six chamber cantatas : for solo voice /
Six concerti grossi /
Six settings of "Ave regina coelorum" (ZWV 128) /
Six suites : for viol and thoroughbass /
Solo compositions for violin and viola da gamba with basso continuo : from the collection of Prince-Bishop Carl Liechtenstein-Castelcorn in Kroměříž /
Solo serenatas /
Sonatas and suites, opus 8, for two violins, violoncello, and basso continuo /
Sonatas for violin and basso continuo, opus 1 /
Sonatas for violin and basso continuo, opus 2 /
Sonatas for violin and basso continuo, opus 3 /
Sonatas for one, two, and three parts with basso continuo /
Sonatas a 3 /
Songs with theorbo (ca. 1650-1663) /
Sontägliche Evangelien /
Spanish art song in the seventeenth century /
Il terzo libro de madrigali a cinque voci (Venice, 1605) /
Three sacred cantatas /
Trio sonatas, op. 4 /
M2 .R30 v.26 The Manchester violin sonatas / 1
M2 .R30 v.146 Masses / 1
M2 .R30 v.190 Incidental music. 1
M2 .R30 v.191 Il trionfo della Poesia, e della Musica / 1
M2 .R30 v.192 Cassandra / 1