Call Number (LC) Title Results
M1625.P76 P4 2004 Peter and the wolf / 1
M1625.P76 P48 2007 Peter and the wolf : a Prokofiev fantasy / 1
M1625 .P89 op.67 Peter and the wolf; a musical tale for children. Pedro y el Lobo; cuento sinfónico para niños. Op.67. 1
M1625 .P96 op. 67 K3 Peter and the wolf, opus 67. 1
M1625.R49 G46 2013 George Washington : for orchestra & narrators / 1
M1625.R87 B69 1973 A box of toys : an entertainment for speech & percussion / 1
M1625.R893 R33 2015 The rabbit sends in a little bill : for violin and piano with narrator (2014) / 1
M1625.S26 P5 1962 Pierrot Lunaire 1
M1625.S26 S8 1977 A survivor from Warsaw : op.46 / 1
M1625 .S36 op. 21 1967 Pierrot Lunaire [melodrama] op. 21 Poems by Albert ; German version by Otto Erich Hartleben. 1
M1625.S36 P5 Dreimal sieben Gedichte aus Albert Girauds Pierrot lunaire : op. 21 : für eine Sprechstimme, Klavier, Flöte (auch Piccolo), Klarinette (auch Bass-Klarinette), Geige (auch Bratsche) und Violoncell / 1
M1625.W35 F33 1964 Façade 1
M1625.W395 N44 2015 The need to see : a musical fable for children : for narrator/soprano and chamber ensemble / 1
M1625.W45 N44 2015 The need to see : a musical fable for children : for narrator/soprano and chamber ensemble / 1
M1625.Z36 P66 2014 The pompous piano : a musical entertainment / 1
M1626.B64 L5 1990 Lime jello marshmallow cottage cheese surprise / 1
M1626.L89 C66 2003 Chou shen : guan Maxie Masou / 1
M1626.T35 L4x Swan lake : fantastic ballet in four acts = Le lac de cygnes : ballet fantastique en quatre actes / 1
M1626.T4 L43 1950 Swan lake : fantastic ballet in four acts = Le lac de cygnes : ballet fantastique en quatre actes / 1
M1627 Oyapock et Maroni : Portraits d'estuaires amazoniens /
Man's early musical instruments.