Call Number (LC) Title Results
JX5241 .R42 Reasons humbly offered to the right honourable the Lords spiritual and temporal assembled in Parliament, to induce the speedy passing an act for further encouraging privateers
Reasons humbly offered against some clauses in the present bill for encouragement of privateers
Reasons for granting letters of mart to trading ships : humbly offered to the honourable House of Commons.
JX5241 .T78 A True account of a fight between Captain John Leech, commander of the ship Ann of London, of 14 guns and 19 men from Jamaica, and a French privateer of 24 guns and some petteraroes : as it came in a letter to his owners from Plymouth, dated the second of this instant January 1689. 1
JX5245 .U6 1923 Prize cases decided in the United States Supreme Court, 1789-1918, including also cases on the instance side in which questions of prize law were involved; 1
JX5261 .E53 By the King, a proclamation declaring His Majesties grace and favour towards all commanders and seamen : to prizes and prize-goods seized and taken since the month of January, 1642, until the twenty ninth of May, 1660. 1
JX5261 .E54 1696 The case of John Paschal, Esq; : late one of the commissioners for prizes. 1
JX5261.G7 1684 At the court at Whitehall : the twenty sixth of March 1684. Present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ... 1
JX5261.G7 E55 At the Court at Whitehall the twenty sixth of March, 1684 : present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ... 1
JX5261.G7 R43 1692 Reasons humbly offered, for the bringing in a bill to encourage privateers : and to demonstrate that such a bill as is proposed will not evade the Prohibition Act or any thing except as to prize goods. 1
JX5263 .R56 1945 An introduction to the papers of the New York Prize Court, 1861-1865, 1
JX5270 .B76 Vox veritatis, or, A brief abstract of the case betvveen George Carew Esq., administrator of the goods and chattells of Sir William Cousten & Sir Paul Pyndar Kinghts [sic] deceased vvith their vvills annexed : and the East India Company of the Netherlands, vvith other inhabitants of Amsterdam and Midleburgh : faithfully recollected and contained in fifty six paragraphs for satisfaction of the creditors ... together with irregular & extrajudiciall proceedings ... : severall arguments and observations, animadversions and reflections upon the cheifest points in the premises / 1
JX5355 .D4 A collection of neutrality laws, regulations and treaties of various countries, 1
JX5361 The European neutrals in the 1990s : new challenges and opportunities / 1
JX5361 .C66 The end of neutrality : the United States, Britain, and neutral rights, 1899-1915. -- 1
JX5361 .C678 2015eb La rébellion et le droit international : le principe de neutralité en tension / 1
JX5361 .C7 The elephants and the grass; a study of nonalignment 1
JX5361 .N4 1976 Neutrality, its history, economics, and law. 1
JX5361 .N44 Neutralization and world politics 1
JX5361 .N44eb Neutralization and World Politics /
Neutralization and world politics /
JX5361 .N66 1978 The Nonaligned movement in world politics / 1
JX5361 .O3 The decline of neutrality, 1914-1941. With special reference to the United States and the northern neutrals. 1