Call Number (LC) Title Results
E Sha Heart to heart /
Let's find out what the signs say,
Sheep take a hike /
This is the bird /
Gullible's troubles /
Sheep trick or treat /
Tiffany Dino works out /
Tomorrow's alphabet /
Climbing Kansas mountains /
Sheep in a shop /
I'm Santa Claus and I'm famous /
Sheep out to eat /
Oh, I love! /
The 329th friend /
Buckledown the Workhound /
E SHA Mama and me /
Duck on a tractor /
Duck on a bike /
No, David! /
Toad on the road : a cautionary tale /
E SHAa Alice the fairy / 1
E SHAd David gets in trouble / 1
E SHAf Family lullaby / 1
E SHAg The goat-faced girl : an Italian folktale / 1
E SHAj The jazz of our street / 1
E SHAl Lizard's guest / 1
E SHAs Since we're friends /
Sneaky weasel /
David goes to school /
E SHAt Too many toys /
Tippy-toe chick, go! /
E SHAw We're all in the same boat / 1
E She Splash, splash /
Full moon birthday /
When will the snow trees grow? /
Homeplace /
Under the moon /
We keep a store /
The right number of elephants /
The legend of Lightning Larry /
E SHE Nope! /
The happiest book ever! /
E SHEb Be happy / 1
E SHEc Cheetah can't lose /
The carpet boy's gift /
E SHEd Do you know which ones will grow? /
Dinosaur vs. bedtime /
E SHEf Fizza the flamingo / 1
E SHEi I'm the best artist in the ocean / 1
E SHEm The man who lived in a hollow tree /
My dadima wears a sari /
E SHEo Olivia and the babies / 1