Call Number (LC) Title Results
E Roc When Jo Louis won the title /
Show & tell day /
The way to Captain Yankee's /
First comes spring /
My spring robin /
When Hugo went to school /
Our yard is full of birds /
Root-a-toot-toot /
Halloween day /
E ROC Zoo day /
Blizzard /
E ROCa At the firehouse / 1
E ROCb Brendan and Belinda and the slam dunk /
Bumblebee, bumblebee, do you know me? : a garden guessing game /
Blackout /
The best class picture ever! /
E ROCc Career day / 1
E ROCh Hello baby! / 1
E ROCj Jewels / 1
E ROCk Katie Catz makes a splash / 1
E ROCm Morgan plays soccer / 1
E ROCo Ocean whisper / 1
E ROCp Presidents' Day /
Pieces of another world /
E ROCv Valentine's Day / 1
E ROCw Whoo! Whoo! Goes the train / 1
E Rod Dear Fred /
Hatch, egg, hatch! /
E RODc The chicken thief / 1
E RODg Rodgers and Hammerstein's My favorite things / 1
E RODj Jonron! / 1
E RODm My best friend / 1
E RODo Out of the ballpark / 1
E RODp Fox and hen together / 1