Call Number (LC) Title Results
E BEAn No sleep for the sheep! / 1
E BEC Quest /
Journey /
Return /
E BECb A bedtime for Bear /
A birthday for Bear /
E BECm Manny's cows : the Niagara Falls tale / 1
E BECmi Mine! mine! mine! / 1
E BECp Playing war / 1
E BECs Sally and the purple socks / 1
E BECv A visitor for Bear / 1
E BED Balloons for Papa / 1
E BEIb Bradley McGogg, the very fine frog / 1
E BEIc ÆA contar con Dora / 1
E BEId Los deseos de Dora = Dora's bedtime wishes / 1
E BEL All of the factors of why I love tractors / 1
E Bel The Snow Queen : a fairy tale / 1
E BELp Pictures for Miss Josie / 1
E BELr Rabbit & robot : the sleepover / 1
E BEM Madeline / 1
E Bem Madeline's rescue;
E BEN Little Penguin and the lollipop /
Little penguin gets the hiccups /
Little Penguin stays awake /
E BER One day in the eucalyptus, eucalyptus tree /
The Berenstain Bears grow-it /
My pal, Victor /
The Berenstain Bears meet the Easter Bunny /
Gator, gator, gator! /
The Berenstain Bears' big Halloween party /
Finding spring /