Call Number (LC) Title Results
DR481 .B98 2009 Byzantium to Turkey, 1071-1453 / 1
DR481 .D87 2013 Empire, authority, and autonomy in Achaemenid Anatolia / 1
DR481 .D87 2013eb Empire, authority, and autonomy in Achaemenid Anatolia / 1
DR481 .G5 1968 The foundation of the Ottoman Empire: a history of the Osmanlis up to the death of Bayezid I, 1300-1403. 1
DR481 .P37 2019 Islam, literature and society in Mongol Anatolia / 1
DR481 .P5 An historical geography of the Ottoman empire from earliest times to the end of the sixteenth century with detailed maps to illustrate the expansion of the Sultanate / Donald Edgar Pitcher. 1
DR485 Ottoman Historical Documents : The Institutions of an Empire /
The Ottoman Empire and the Bosnian Uprising : Janissaries, modernisation and rebellion in the nineteenth century /
The Ottoman world : a cultural history reader, 1450-1700 /
Ohannes Abb[as] Abendon[ensis?] sanctissimi [Christo] p[at]ris et d[o]m[ini] nostri d[o]m[ini] Sixti diuina [pro]uidencia pape quarti ....
DR485.D47 1685 A description of the Turks prayers and fasts before they go to war with the Christians. 1
DR485 .F37 2019 The Ottoman and Mughal empires : social history in the early modern world / 1
DR485 .G46 1661 The rarities of Turkey, gathered by one that was sold seven times a slave in the Turkish Empire, : and now exposed to view for the benefit of his native countrey:. 1
DR485 .H536 2000 The historical archaeology of the Ottoman Empire : breaking new ground / 1
DR485 .H536 2002eb A historical archaeology of the Ottoman Empire : breaking new ground / 1
DR485 .K54 2017 The Ottoman Empire : a historical encyclopedia / 1
DR485 .L48 1687 A letter written by the Grand Vizier, to His Highness the Duke of Lorrain. 1
DR485 .M37 A new survey of the Turkish empire and government : in a brief history deduced to this present time, and the raign of the now Grand Signior Mahomet the IV, the present and XIV emperour : with their laws, religion, & customs : as also an account of the siege of Newhausel. 1
DR485 .M37 1664 A new survey of the Turkish empire, history and government compleated. : Being an exact and absolute discovery of what is worthy of knowledge, or any way satisfactory to curiosity in that mighty nation. : With several brass pieces lively expressing the most eminent personages concerned in this subject. 1
DR485 .M66 1663 A compendious history of the Turks : in two volumes, containing an exact account of the originall of that people, the rise of the Othoman family, and the valiant undertakings of the Christians against them, with their various events / 1
DR485 .O869 2014eb The Ottoman Middle East : studies in honor of Amnon Cohen / 1
DR485 .Q37 2000 The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922 / 1
DR486 From Empire to Republic : Essays on Ottoman and Turkish Social History /
The proper order of things : language, power, and law in Ottoman administrative discourses /