Call Number (LC) Title Results
BX2080.C38 1516 [Sequuntur hore beate Marie Virginis secundū vsū Eboracen̄]. 1
BX2080.C38 1519 Hore b[ea]tissime Virginis Marie ad legitimu[m] Sarisburie[n]is ecclesie ritum : cum quindecim orationibus beate Brigitte: ac multis alijs orationibus pulcherrismis & indulge[n]tijs cu[m] tabula aptissima ia[m] vltimo adiectis. 1
BX2080.C38 1539 Expliciunt Hore beate Marie Virginis secundum vsum ecclesie Sarum.. 1
BX2080.C38 1540 [A primer or boke of prayers,] : [set forth at longe, wherein are conteined the houres of Our Lady, of the passion, and of the holy ghost ...] 1
BX2080.C38 1555 Hore beate Marie virginis secundum vsum insignis ecclesie sarisburien[sis].. 1
BX2080.C38 1557 [Horae ad usum Eborum].
The primer in Englishe and Latine, : set out along, after the vse of Sa[rum]: with many godlie and deuoute praiers: as it apeareth in the table..
BX2080 .C38 1558 The primer in Englysh after Salysburie use; : sette out at length with manye Godlie prayers: newlye imprinted this presente yere.. 1
BX2080 .H67 1510 Hore beatissime virginis Marie ... 1
BX2080 .R45 2012 French books of hours : making an archive of prayer, c. 1400-1600 /
French Books of Hours : Making an Archive of Prayer, c.1400-1600.
BX2080 .S34 1531 This prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a lo[n]g vvout ony serchyng : vvith many prayers, and goodly pycturesin [sic] the kale[n]der in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the crosse in the. vii. psalmes, a[n]d in the dyryge. And be nevvly enpryntedat [sic] Parys.. 1
BX2080 .S48 1575 Certayne sweete prayers of the glorious name of Iesus, commonly called Iesus Mattens : with the howers therto belonging / 1
BX2080 .W54 1988 Time sanctified : the Book of hours in medieval art and life / 1
BX2080 .W66 2006 Women's Books of hours in medieval England : selected texts translated from Latin, Anglo-Norman French and Middle English with introduction and interpretive essay / 1
BX2080 .W66 2006eb Women's Books of hours in medieval England : selected texts translated from Latin, Anglo-Norman French, and Middle English with introduction and interpretive essay / 1
BX2085 .A2 1530 Ortulus anime : the garden of the soule ... 1
BX2090 The primer, or, Office of the Blessed Virgin Marie, in English. : According to the last edition of the Romaine Breviarie.. 1
BX2090 .A2 1527 Hore beatissime virginis Marie ad legitimu[m] Sarisburie[n]sis Ecclesie ritum : cum quindecim orationib[us] beate Brigitte, ac multis alijs orationib[us] pulcherrimis, et indulgentiis, cum tabula aptissima iam vltimo adiectis. 1
BX2090 .A2 1538 Thys prymer in Englyshe and in Laten is newly translatyd after the Laten texte.. 1
BX2090 .A2 1542 The prymer in Englysshe and Laten, after the vse of Saru[m] : set out at length with many goodly prayers with the epystles and gospels throughout the hoole yeare. 1
BX2090 .A2 1555 [The primer in Englishe (after the vse of Sarum)] : 1