Call Number (LC) Title Results
B02423R Coco before Chanel = Coco avant Chanel 1
B02424R Frederick Douglass 1
B02425a A history of Jewish American achievement / 1
B02429R La casa de Bernarda Alba = The House of Bernarda Alba 1
B02430R La dama del alba 1
B02431a Two spirits 1
B02432a The fall of Womenland 1
B02433R Spiritual Revolution : Eastern spirituality in the Western World 1
B02434a The good mother 1
B02435R Seeing red 1
B02436a The bottom line 1
B02437a Relating across differences 1
B02438a Conflict as opportunity 1
B02439a Teams in motion 1
B02440a Global contrasts 1
B02441a Sexual dynamics 1
B02443a Managing the overseas assignment 1
B02455a Profiles in change 1
B02456R Sanford Meisner master class 1
B02457R Elmer Gantry 1