Call Number (LC) Title Results
B01952R History of physical education in the United States 1
B01959R Doctor atomic 1
B01960X I was considered a very ordinary boy 1
B01961X My mind was a chaos of delight 1
B01962X How wide was the distance between savage and civilized man 1
B01963X Can any mountain, any continent withstand such waste 1
B01964X I felt myself brought within reach of that great fact, that mystery of mysteries [videoording] / 1
B01965X Suppose that all animals and all plants are represented by the branch of a tree, the tree of life 1
B01966X In the distant future light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history 1
B01967R Rashaomon 1
B01968R The teaching of action in string playing 1
B01969a Sita : A Girl from Jambu, 1
B01970R Double indemnity 1
B01971a Boom and bust 1
B01973R Marbury v. Madison 1
B01974R McCulloch v. Maryland 1
B01975R The Dred Scott decision 1
B01976R Brown v. Board of Education 1
B01977R Gideon v. Wainwright & Miranda v. Arizona 1
B01978R Roe V. Wade 1